just got a text from cynthia, she has visa !!! and no load so will have to wait till the morning to chat properly.
im over the moon, words can not describe how i feel, the anxiety and waiting is over. must thank you keith for the forum owe you a beer or two or 10

and everyone else who help us joe "the man" bloggs, andy paul, paul & anilyn, joy prettyd30, aromulus, lady j, philip, scotsfiancee, tiger@tigress, ann07, fontain, baboyako, gingxrick, empott, mrs daddy, jay&zobel and eljean, sorry if i missed anyone.
and alan for keeping me entertained when my head was down.
we owe you all everything, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
goodluck joy, gracia143 & aromulus, total time i think 8 weeks and 2 days, was not counting much(14th june - 11 august)
regards martin
hmmm.... did i say thanks