you have waited months even years for your wife,partner to come to our shores and to be as one, to start a new life together, you think what would be nice as a treat for her once a week or month,yes can you all remember when my Em came here, i treat many might remember was a pork pie, WOW she loved it and she ate it all at once, and it was a family size, well that was a trat that lasted a few good months, every few weeks a pork pie would come home ready for em to enjoy, well she has gone of the idea for a few months now and this is where this new post starts, any ideas of a gift you would like Em for xmas, DONT GET ME ANY PORK PIES STEVE, was the answer, do we men over due that special treat and do our women in the end hate it, i think its like the saying when you say thats the best food you have ever cooked and for the next few weeks thats all you eat because you said it was nice,anyway we live and learn