Maybe some of the filipino wives can answer this one or maybe the guys also...One thing about my wife is her fear to ask me for any help monetary help, I know people will say that means she"s genuine but why still the shyness.

Take today for example I was talking to her and new she had other things on her mind she denied this but I knew something was wrong so I asked her many many times but she said every things fine.

4 hours later she texted to say her mom was ill and she needed 2000 pesos for doctor and meds but was shy to ask me, she very rarely asks me for anything but when she does it takes her days sometimes because she says she"s shy lol.

God I love this girl to bits and have told her just to come out with it if she ever needs anything and that I am her husband and she can ask for anything and if I have it then I will give it to her also whats mine is hers.

This is just a post to say that I know there are many devious people out there but my mahal is just shy lol and thats why I love her so much...