There is cellulite - not just on thighs and buttocks, but on arms, too. This is not orange-peel skin, but acres of dimples, and craters so deep you could lose yourself in them. There is back fat: great creamy folds of it, like a Viennetta dessert. These women, all 20 of them, have had far too much dessert, obviously.
There is laughing and eating (Pot Noodles! Pasta!) and much embellishment of body parts with Swarovski crystals. There are high, red spangled shoes with over-large feet stuffed in like giant hams; and floral, cantilevered bikini tops, each cup the size of a life raft.
Welcome to the Big Beautiful Woman Pageant, to find the most stunning size 18-plus woman in the UK. And as the contestants strut the catwalk in their finery for the final round of judging, you wonder how the boards do not buckle.
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