why do so many people have no religion in europe?
why do so many people have no religion in europe?
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
I would get banned so i will refrain from this topic![]()
2 things when your born - fear of falling and loud noises... the rest is conditioning..
an old joke.........
I heard a story once about a Christian missionary in Alaska. He was talking to an Eskimo there and teaching him about God, Heaven and all the rest. At one point, the Eskimo asks, "If I don't accept Jesus as my saviour, will I go to Hell?" And the missionary says, "Oh yes." Then the Eskimo asks, "What if I didn't know about Jesus? Would I still go to Hell?" The missionary says, "Of course not, you can't be punished for that which you don't know."
The Eskimo looks at him and says, "Then why did you tell me?"
Religion is still quite strong in Europe.......
i do wish members would refrain from publicly thanking their chosen god, on here. it can be quite offensive to those of us who have moved on from such beliefs.
I myself believe in evolution, but I do respect whatever others believe in!
doesn't offend me,,,,,,,,,, thank god
if it offends then don't read
i'm all in favour of freedom of worship--but is it appropriate to ascribe thanks to their god on here--for (for example ) helping them obtain a visa?--when the same god appears to ignore the pleas of the sick and the dying?
next thing some will be praising whatever political power may be running the show--for providing the visa.
hallo guys!!thanks for answering my question! i wish i we can meet you all guys wen im there
all of you guys are friendly.. i respect all your answers!
Have a close look within Europe. In some countries religion is as strong as ever still. For example Spain and Portugal.
The majority are no longer gullible
We do tend to edit most of the titles that do this.
Believers in the US has dropped 5% in the last few years, and they are fast gaining ground on believers.
I see the Pope has got rid of the ox and donkeys from the nativity.... next he'll be telling us Jesus wasn't there as well![]()
Keith - Administrator
Graham ! NO !!!
but seriously--it must be a real culture shock for anyone relocating from a country steeped in christianity--to the UK--where in all probability--the only places of worship well attended are mosques . most british people hardly--if ever--attend any church or place of worship---and anyone openly and frequently talking about god in everyday conversation--is looked upon with suspicion.
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
Well maybe more people have moved on and believe more in science?
Then again, I have a friend whose "hobby" is quantum physics. Apparently the latest theory on how the universe was formed, is that there wasn't a "big bang" but two (for want of a better word) "brains" came together and fused.
There is also the theory that there are actually 11 dimensions, but because we are stuck in 3 dimensions, we can't see the others (Just like if a paper cut out man was stuck to a piece of paper, he would only see one dimension)
Frankly after hearing this, I'd be more inclined to believe in religion! Oh come on - that idea is barking!
One thing I have noticed, is that nowadays (One religion apart) the most intolerant and unpleasant people, seem to be the atheists who want to ram their beliefs (Or should that be lack of beliefs) down everyone's throat and make everyone conform to their way of thinking. In the same breath, they accuse the religious of being intolerant and forcing their beliefs on the atheists.
Like it or not, religion of all sorts has tended to create moral behaviour amongst humans for all history. Humans are violent animals by nature - and maybe their leaders have realised early on that one way of keeping society in check is to hang over the threat of divine retribution.
No religions tend to preach "get out there and cause conflict" - it's the followers of those religions, or their leaders, who twist the religious message for their own purpose.
Churches struggle to fill their halls, the mosques though may be overflowing. What does that tell you? Many messages actually, not all obvious. One being that the Christians are lazy and don't think they need to attend organised religious worship anymore.
100 years ago the churches were packed. Were people more religious? Well, maybe no - don't forget that at that time, the churches provided most of the social activity in the towns and villages. Plenty of other things to do now.
So many reasons that say the UK appears not to be particularly religious.
Not mentioning anyone in particular here! In fact I'm not really thinking of anyone on this forum/thread.
However there is another thread on this forum, where some said that they don't like UK women/men, don't like their "values", don't like the way they behave around town, drinking to excess, showing off their tasteless tattoos and puking in unison.
Surely anyone with this belief couldn't ever post on this thread, attacking religion (I'm not saying they have)
It would not be making too many assumptions, that these members have partners who are pinoy - nature of this forum, just like the fact I post on a movie forum suggests I like movies.
This would mean that firstly, by attacking the beliefs of their partners (As opposed to say just accepting difference of opinion) they were being quite disrespectful towards their loved ones, who by experience I would guess were at least in passing religious - most people I have met from Phils are at least moderately religious. One thing about religious believers, is that they are easily offended if you attack their belief.
Secondly and ironically, they are attacking one of the very things core to the attitude and beliefs of their partners - one of the very things that attracted them to their partners in the first place, maybe they even went out to Phils to find their partner on purpose.
Maybe such a poster would be better off finding a nice atheist fat tattood drunk called Shazza from Slough. Three kids, three different dads (not sure though which men they were, too many Stellas that night innit)
Point is, someone can't be your soulmate if such an important part of what they are, and what makes them what they are, is something to be treated with derision.
That said, Elmarie ... belatedto the friendly, non-judgemental filipino/uk community.
is there a god, a maker,
big bang or not, even science knows there are so many maths involved in what has been brought into existance, life universe everything you see and what you cant see,
it involves so many things, magnatisum, gravity, and so many other things all had to happen at the right time in order for life or universe to exist, they work it out mathamaticaly, if just one of the mathematical equations. was out by just 1, life would not exist, scientists these days say it can not have been an accident, and if it wasnt an accident , then who made it ?
its just too amazing to be an accident
Thinking just in the towns around here. Let's ignore the mosques, different kettle of kippers.
All over towns, there are churches which are no longer churches. They are pulled down, ruins, turned into apartments, offices or art galleries.
Also - all over town there are the other centres of worship - the pubs. At one time they also were all over the place, now they too are burnt out, turned into houses, or shops.
Maybe it's just changing social trends. From what I can understand, most people still have some sort of religious belief, and when they get married, even if they haven't set foot inside a church since Derek and Rachel had their kid baptised, they consider approaching a church.
Certainly most people like a drink or two on occasion, but pubs? Not only expensive, they can't have a smoke there, and sometimes there's nutters looking for a fight. Drink at home, maybe the pub when the national side are playing in a tournament - the drinking equivalent of using churches for hatches, matches and despatches.
Social organisations - at one time Rotaract, the Young Farmers, Round Table, Lions, they were all huge with waiting lists. I know most Rotaract have closed down. Again, it's changing social trends.
infact if a person can not believe a maker exists , then how can he know he himself exists,
both man and maker are pretty unbelievable dont you think![]()
a few years back i read an amazing book,, no not the bible
title, theories of everything , right now i cant remember the author ,
but its an amazing book, lots of einstein quotes in it too
really feeds the mind about the workings and creation of the universe,
and the question of accident or not
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