I have a contract that states that I started working for the company in May 1994.

Quote Originally Posted by Andy n Grasya View Post
The key here is the company administration.

If the company was bought from the Administrators by a new organisation then your contract of employment starts all over again. TUPE is irrelevant.

Effectively your employment started all over again, TUPE covers business transfers not new starts. All the years you worked prior to that point will be irrelevant.
That's what I was fearing, but I still work in the same building with the same brand name, doing the same job so I still worked for that company brand name but it's owned by a new company. On the website is has the brand name everywhere, but in small print on he page where it says shworooms are it says the 'brand name' is a division of the 'new company name'. Going by how the CEO of the new company is, I'm pretty sure that they will try and get away with paying us the minimum and all my 18 1/2 years will mean nothing. So they can really wipe of 15 years service and you get nothing for that from anyone?

Quote Originally Posted by Andy n Grasya View Post
Your current employer seems to have breached the procedures associated with redundancy, which should follow the same lines as disciplinary action i.e. letter inviting you to a redundancy hearing, discussions, follow up meeting to discuss ideas alternative to redundancy that you may come up with (such as transfer to another branch if they have one), and then a follow up meeting to confirm redundancy.
That's what my meeting up in London tomorrow is about. It wasn't my ideal job and I was looking to move, so if I did get the 18 years statutory redundancy, then at least I'd get a pay-out (and could pay off some bills) and have a while to find a new job, but if not, then basically I'd get next to nothing and would be more interested in staying with the company as I wouldn't have long to find a new job and have to start paying bills with no way to pay them without a job.