Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
Just go to the meeting and see what they are proposing. Most big companies tend to play by the rules because they don't wish to end up at Employment Tribunals.
Once you've heard what their proposing you will be much better placed to decide your next course of action.
Situations like this really show the benefits of being in a Trades Union. I wish you well.
Thats quite right and when I was laid off I found that out the hard way. There is an oil industry trade union but isn't widely used as traditionally they have had very little clout with the oil companies. Unlike in Norway where oil industry unions are strong.

Few oil workers are members and I never once came across such a thing as a shop steward. Any oil workers that were members tended to hide the fact that they were.

Hence why I went to a solicitor at an early stage.

SE Boy.

Assuming you are a member of a Trade Union then yeah, they should be able to help. But from what you said in your posts I assumed you aren't. Hence the suggestion to chat to a solicitor.

You should learn a lot at your meeting in London. Hopefully all will be clearer.