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Thread: I need help and advice for applying work visa in UK. Please? tia.

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  1. #1
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    I need help and advice for applying work visa in UK. Please? tia.

    Anyone? who is willing to help me?
    I need an advice for applying a work visa in UK. Please help me.
    What exact visa do I need to apply and what are the requirements needed in applying work visa?

    *I'm 21 y/o
    *Fresh graduate (October 2012) BSIT

    My mom is currently working in UK (Domestic Helper) and her employer who owned a business is willing to help me, he will give me a work in his business related to my course.

    I just wanna know the process and things that I will need soon before applying. Any thoughts? Appreciated if you can share me your experience or ideas. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    hello, what will be your job in here? working visa is quite hard.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhem_bhem View Post
    hello, what will be your job in here? working visa is quite hard.
    I don't know yet what exact job he will give to me coz he just gave my resume to his secretary to find a job that suite to my skills.

    Really? Is it really hard to get a working visa there in UK?

    Are you working there in UK? Can you help me or give me some advice? Thanks

  4. #4
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    if the rules hasn't been changed from last year,, to get a working visa ur job must be in shortage list or ur employer must complete the resident labour market test and the minimum wage ur employer must pay u is over £20k a year.

    try read this link..

    im guessing u belong to tier 2 general which is on page 15- 23.. hope it helps.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhem_bhem View Post
    if the rules hasn't been changed from last year,, to get a working visa ur job must be in shortage list or ur employer must complete the resident labour market test and the minimum wage ur employer must pay u is over £20k a year.

    try read this link..

    im guessing u belong to tier 2 general which is on page 15- 23.. hope it helps.
    I'll read it later. My mom talked to her employer to help me find a job then my mom's employer told to her that he's going to give me a job in his own business which is related to my course which it BSIT. He is executive director in his own business or company.

    I already send my resume to my mom's employer for additional information from me.

    I'm just wondering coz I don't even know what exact visa should I apply and what are the requirements? Can you help me? TY.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your chances are virtually 0 for the reasons bhem_bhem gave

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    your chances are virtually 0 for the reasons bhem_bhem gave
    I'm sorry. What?

  8. #8
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    yeah, its hard,, even if i had 3 years experience on that job, i have finished nvq level 2 and 3 here and the owner of my workplace is willing to sponsor me, it's still not enough.

    first, ur employer must be a licensed sponsor (a license that will let him offer a job overseas). then he must assigned to you a certificate of sponsorship where it will state that the job is at NQF level 4 and appears on shortage list. and also confirm that he will pay u at or above the appropriate job rate which is over £20k a year..

    i'm sorry to saY that there's no point of applying for a working visa coz there's a big chance they'll just refuse u. u don't have work experience, u don't have the qualification that they want and i don't think ur employer will pay u that big amount as that wages are for people working as manager. if u want u can try applying for a student visa, its just they won't let u work. (that's if u just want to be with ur mum).

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    Quote Originally Posted by bhem_bhem View Post
    ......and i don't think ur employer will pay u that big amount as that wages are for people working as manager.
    Thats not quite true. I know a lot of people who aren't managers who earn 20k per year and upwards.

  10. #10
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Thats not quite true. I know a lot of people who aren't managers who earn 20k per year and upwards.
    soz.. yeah,, it depends on their job,, i just based it on the line of job i have and the qualification they asked..

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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Thats not quite true. I know a lot of people who aren't managers who earn 20k per year and upwards.
    Hey, lastlid! Can you help me by giving an advice or knowledge about my concern?

    I really want to work in Uk. I can't see myself not working there in UK.

    If it is really impossible for me to work as an IT there in UK. I am also gratuated Professional Caregiver. Can I use it or is it much better and not complicated rather than applying as skilled worker rather applying as a caregiver? Coz I reallynwant to go and work there also to be with my mom. Thank you.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhem_bhem View Post
    yeah, its hard,, even if i had 3 years experience on that job, i have finished nvq level 2 and 3 here and the owner of my workplace is willing to sponsor me, it's still not enough.

    first, ur employer must be a licensed sponsor (a license that will let him offer a job overseas). then he must assigned to you a certificate of sponsorship where it will state that the job is at NQF level 4 and appears on shortage list. and also confirm that he will pay u at or above the appropriate job rate which is over £20k a year..

    i'm sorry to saY that there's no point of applying for a working visa coz there's a big chance they'll just refuse u. u don't have work experience, u don't have the qualification that they want and i don't think ur employer will pay u that big amount as that wages are for people working as manager. if u want u can try applying for a student visa, its just they won't let u work. (that's if u just want to be with ur mum).
    Okay. I'll take note what you've said and I will tell to my mom. How sad that I have a low chance of getting a work visa if ever I wanted to apply.

    But my mom said that her employer who own a business is really willing to help me. Is there any possibility for me to come in UK to work even if I don't have any work experience here in Philippines? I really want to work to UK.

    One thing, I also graduated a Professional Caregiver. If there is so possibility that I can work as an skilled worker there in UK, can I apply as a caregiver in UK? I'm willing to take any job just to go to UK. Any advice? Thank you.

  13. #13
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qwerty55555 View Post

    I really want to work to UK.

    I'm willing to take any job just to go to UK.
    You and several million other people also.
    There are currently 2.5 million people unemployed in the UK, unless it is a highly skilled job that cannot be filled form within the UK, then they may go overseas to fill the position.
    There has to be priority to those already in the UK.

  14. #14
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I remember that you had a post before, stating that you are applying a Family Visit Visa. What you're trying to do is ILLEGAL as you can't apply for work with a visit visa. And like what other's say, you got zero chance of getting a working visa unless you are a highly skilled worker that the UK needs.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I remember that you had a post before, stating that you are applying a Family Visit Visa. What you're trying to do is ILLEGAL as you can't apply for work with a visit visa. And like what other's say, you got zero chance of getting a working visa unless you are a highly skilled worker that the UK needs.
    Yes, I applied Family Visit Visa before and its denied due to proof that I'll be going back here in Philippines. I applied before because its my moms graduation gift to me and she just want me to experience UK.

    But now I realize that I really want to go to UK not to see it but to work there. Thats why my mom talk to her employer if he can help me and he said yes that is why I'm asking an advice.

    Any advice you can give to me? Please?

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your mothers employer would have to advertise the job in the UK first and have a good excuse why he couldn't find a suitable British or European to do that job also there are a set number of workpermit type visa's given out every year.

  17. #17
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    even my solicitor (who's been paid by my manager) told me before to give up coz ill just waste my money..

    my manager paid thousands just to get the license itself which was a waste coz i didn't get the working visa. i swear she wanted to strangle me coz i didn't apply for a visa before the rules change as she wants me to stay

    as with caregiver, there's still no chance for u on that one as it's no longer in the shortage list for jobs. i'm really sorry but it's really that hard now..

  18. #18
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    hi--the other--more popular way to get here is to find yourself a british guy and marry him.

    but best to find one earning at least £18600 a year and his own place to live.

    also--someone with a thorough knowledge of the UKBA immigration rules.

    just be prepared for a long delay and then if your lucky enough a 5 year probationary period--but keep enough cash behind you for a return flight if it all goes pear-shaped.

    plenty of recent threads on here to learn from.

    good luck x

  19. #19
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    What is your main purpose why you want to go to UK? To earn a big amount of money? Why not just apply for IT companies in the Philippines for now. And after you're stable at work, probably a year or two, you can then apply again for a family visit visa so you can visit your mom in the UK (taking note that you still can't apply for work though). If you're lucky, an IT company in the Philippines might sponsor you to have a working visa in UK (if they have clients in the UK) or even US. I used to work in multinational IT companies in the Philippines who send employees overseas for trainings or work if the client requires to. I got a working visa to US sponsored by my last company (unfortunately, I wasn't the one chosen to go to US as I got bigger responsibilities to do the work in Makati and they need my expertise locally). I know this is still a lottery, but IT industry is big in the Philippines. It's possible to earn whatever you can earn as an IT in the UK. I was able to earn £1000 excluding bonuses monthly (of course I've worked my way up to get to that). Sometimes you don't have to go overseas just to earn a lot if you are in the right industry. You have to enhance your skills though as it's always a competition.
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  20. #20
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    Just get a solicitor.
    You need to get ur application right the first time.

  21. #21
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qwerty55555 View Post
    Anyone? who is willing to help me?
    I need an advice for applying a work visa in UK. Please help me.
    What exact visa do I need to apply and what are the requirements needed in applying work visa?

    *I'm 21 y/o
    *Fresh graduate (October 2012) BSIT

    My mom is currently working in UK (Domestic Helper) and her employer who owned a business is willing to help me, he will give me a work in his business related to my course.

    I just wanna know the process and things that I will need soon before applying. Any thoughts? Appreciated if you can share me your experience or ideas. Thanks in advance.
    The UK at the moment Im afraid has loads of unemployed people, short job offers and high rates of redundancy. I aint sure if you can get a job with a minimum wage nowadays quickly. Plus, competitions is always there like what Rayna said.

    If I were you, gather experiences first in the Philippines before thinking of coming here by then you might qualified in future base on your skills and experiences.

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