Hi guys.

You might know I have been dating a Filipino girl from cebu for a few months. I plan to meet her next year.

I know I love her and she has said the same to me. We have both been in tears on skype and phone calls missing each other.

I found out the other day that she had been talking to her ex boyfriend of 2 years about a month ago. She had told me that previously that they haven't spoken since last year. They had split up according to her because he was unfaithful and played her.

She gave me her log ins for her email and Facebook to prove she was serious with me. I also read her yahoo messenger conversations with him and the recent contact she had with him shows she was quite intimate with him. She was saying she missed him and she did say to him "kiss you all over" a few times and asking when he was next in cebu.

when I confronted her she has been in floods of tears telling me she only did it because she hated him for what he did and wanted to get back at him by making him think she still liked him because she couldn't move on and commit to me as she was scared of being hurt again. We hadn't been together long when she was talking to him. She has repeatedly told me how sorry she is and that she didn't tell me because she didn't want to hurt me. To be honest she did really really cry a lot.

She has told me that she really loves me and only wants us to be together. I made her send him an email and yahoo message asking him not to contact her again and that she was with me now ( I saw these sent as proof). She handed over her yahoo and email accounts to me so I could do with them as I wish. She sent me a picture of her old sim card broken as she has just changed her number last week.

I'm obviously upset because she lied to me. but at the same time I can kind of understand why she did it and it was very evident of how upset she was and how much she cried on skype and that she was probably genuinely sorry. She admitted to being stupid and that she realises that. She tells me she will do anything to prove to me that she is genuine about how she feels about me.

My heart tells me that she is sorry and she is being truthful to me but I cant help having some worries. When she told me about what he did she was really tearful so that sort of makes me think she is genuine.

Please guys what are your thoughts. I am so torn right now.