Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
maybe so, but i know of a number of members on this forum who have been scammed by Filipina's.

I watched 'scam city' the other week, it was on about Thailand and how one girl I think she had 3 western boy friends on the go, each sending her money..

also a reason for the google results might be more western men have had a relationship with thai's than filipina's.
Oh totally, totally Perhaps your last point also rings true, that there are a good few holiday resorts in Thailand within easyish reach of Australia - many young men going over primarily to drink and party away. They then hit the bars and find they are crawling with young beautiful women (Thais are blessed in the world with incredible good looks), and don't realise it's all a show when these women are practically beating down their hotel room doors.

So easy to confuse love with something else over there.

I will though stand by my point of Pinoy having different attitudes to Thais. Not that pinoys don't rip people off, far from it given half a chance some/many of them it's their raison d'etre.
I at one time used to chat online, and one dating site was packed with filipinas. Many I soon figured out were like barracudas.
There really though is a different outlook to life. Maybe it's the religion, or culture?
It's only the same though as comparing Germans to Greeks.

As for 3 "boyfriends" on the go? Oh that's commonplace