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Thread: Additional Documents: More Recent Bank Statements

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  1. #1
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Additional Documents: More Recent Bank Statements

    I have read from posts on another forum (Immigration Boards) that there are applicants who were requested to provide more recent documents such as sponsor's bank accounts or payslips. These applicants are the ones waiting for months now for their FLR(M), more than 6 months or so. I'm just wondering, what if the sponsor lost his job on the duration of waiting for his wife's FLR(M) or the sponsor has overdrafts now, would it be appropriate for the UKBA to base it's decision from the recent documents they requested? Can the applicants contest the UKBA's decision if they were refused of FLR(M) because of such circumstance?
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I have read from posts on another forum (Immigration Boards) that there are applicants who were requested to provide more recent documents such as sponsor's bank accounts or payslips. These applicants are the ones waiting for months now for their FLR(M), more than 6 months or so. I'm just wondering, what if the sponsor lost his job on the duration of waiting for his wife's FLR(M) or the sponsor has overdrafts now, would it be appropriate for the UKBA to base it's decision from the recent documents they requested? Can the applicants contest the UKBA's decision if they were refused of FLR(M) because of such circumstance?
    Interesting question.....

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Also, are there any written article or rule that considerations of submitted documents should be based on the dates the applications are submitted and not based on newly requested documents?
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  4. #4
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Hmmmmm I eagerly await terpes or joes views in this


  5. #5
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    I know it is easier for me to say than it is to do for some others, but even though it is probably playing into their hands, it is probably aswell to pay the extra for the quicker service. Unfortunately.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Rayna ... I do sooo wish I were able to answer your question and help put your mind at ease.

    As it happens, a member sent me a Private Message this very afternoon because she was feeling anxious and uptight over fears that her FLR(M) application might've been rejected on account of the fact that she'd "heard" nothing further from the UKBA ever since they'd acknowledged it back in June.

    All I could tell her - without mentioning any names, of course - was that there were several others here who had been waiting even longer for the outcome of THEIRS. However, I then proceeded to explain that it seemed highly likely the recent spate of lengthy delays had been caused by a backlog of applications built up in the wake of precedence given to those processed on behalf of the numerous Olympic contenders from abroad during the Spring and early Summer.

    Indeed, I'm pretty certain this was the reason it took them so long - earlier in the year - to deal with Myrna's Application for Citizenship.

    Whilst I realise this doesn't exactly help to resolve the issue you're confronted with in the present context - which, hopefully, either Terpe or Joe WILL be able to - I thought it may, nonetheless, shed some light on at least one [possible] reason for the UKBA's apparent procrastination.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    no i dont think that happens often because they would/should check your application when you first submit it, that you have up to date banks statements etc,

    when i applied for my stepsons settlement visa, when he submitted the application they wanted my latest bank statement, which i had to scan and email to him.

    and i'm sure they base the decision on the information when you submitted the application not when they could be bothered to make the decision.

    if it was when they made the decision the bank statements could be 3 months old, and we would have heard on this forum people who had been waiting for 3 or 4 months for their app to be processed being asked for more recent bankstatements etc , and i cant recall anyone being ask to..

  8. #8
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    no i dont think that happens often because they would/should check your application when you first submit it, that you have up to date banks statements etc,

    when i applied for my stepsons settlement visa, when he submitted the application they wanted my latest bank statement, which i had to scan and email to him.

    and i'm sure they base the decision on the information when you submitted the application not when they could be bothered to make the decision.

    if it was when they made the decision the bank statements could be 3 months old, and we would have heard on this forum people who had been waiting for 3 or 4 months for their app to be processed being asked for more recent bankstatements etc , and i cant recall anyone being ask to..
    Thanks Joe for this. I just asked since there are some of the applicants from that site that were asked to supply recent bank statements. One of them who was asked applied on February and only heard from UKBA about recent bank statements just 2 weeks ago. Honestly, I don't think they check every documents when they received the applications. I know no one from here have posted about it, but I'm one of those people who are waiting for 8 months or so and I'm thinking applications before hasn't reached this long. Just the news last week telling that there are letters and applications dated years back that UKBA hasn't opened yet or looked at gives me enough proof that it probably happened to us waiting this long too..after sending the Biometrics letter then put it in the pile.
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  9. #9
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    Im not sure in Uk, but i would like to share my experience when I applied a H4(spouse visa) in the US. during my interview they look all the payslip and bank statement of my husband one by one...And since my husband get paid every 15days they ask a very latest payslip which i dont have because my husband just got paid on that time and he didnt send it to me...So they said i have to come back and bring the very latest payslip...Which is very annoying and it cost money with all the expenses since i was live in mindanao...

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    like i said most cases if your asked for additional documents, newer bank statements they would have asked by now, when my stepson submitted his app , I'm sure they asked him within days for my last bank statement.

  11. #11
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Seems like a lot of hassle and stress.

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