This article gives quite a good explanation of the risks of fracking. It is only as good as the cement job on the casing that is run in the ground to line the hole. Cement jobs are notorious for issues and don't nescessarily last. It's just concrete, after all. Notice the bit about the Deepwater Horizon Macondo debacle.
"But if the well is not cemented properly, the gas leaks out into the other units, particularly drinking water aquifers, as it comes back up the well. Lots of outrage has been directed towards the fracking itself, but the worse culprit is a bad cement job (Faulty Wells, Not Fracking). Almost all of the TV spots, heart-breaking stories of homeowners, and burning faucets are actually from bad cement jobs, not the fracking."
Unless they get it right, I predict mayhem here in the UK.
The government is expected to release its plans on Fracking and Shale Gas this week.
"Also in the next two weeks, DECC will rule on whether controversial drilling for shale gas will go ahead in the UK.
Environmentalists say shale gas could become a bruising political battleground."