My ex wife was a superb cook. But she was never able to replicate the tastes from a good Indian restaurant in the UK.

I can see why the local Indian restaurant isn't everyone's cup of tea but they are pretty dam popular the length and breadth of the UK and overseas.

"In England, Indian cuisine reigns, there being as many as 10,000 Indian restaurants in business. Some of these have lately been recognized by the Michelin Guide, which is an inventory of outstanding European restaurants. The Indian food industry in the UK is valued at £3.2 billion and forms almost three quarters of the fraction of all the dining out in that country. "

I would never let any prejudice I had get in the way of a good Ruby Murray.

Tip. Don't go too kuripot when it comes to Indian Restaurants.

Also, my ex wife made a great pizza from scratch but that didn't mean we didn't go to an Italian restaurant now and again.