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Thread: Please please help

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Please please help

    Hi, i am a british citizen and have been with my Fillippino boyfriend for 5 years we have a baby together. We want to apply for a unmarried partner visa, however we do not meet the financial requirements. My parents will act as 'co-sponsors' stating that they will be providing the financial support that my partner would need before he finds work here in the UK, he has had many job opportunities however they required him to have a working permit for him to obtain an interview. I was just wondering what are my chances of the visa being approved with third party help and the fact that we have a baby together, doesnt he have some sort of rights to be with his child here in the UK? we have all the other requirements for the visa its just the financial obligations that fall short would a consulate be leanient to our application with all the other requirements in place and emails from job opportunties which would mean he could get a job pretty much straight away. If this is not the case that they would grant us a visa because of the finances, what would be our best option and how can my partner come to live in the UK with myself and our baby? Thankyou for any advice :-)

  2. #2
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Hi there as far as I know the UKBA are very strict on the minimun financial requirement of £18,600 per year unless you are exempt from the financial requirement ie: you are in receipt of disability benefits or carers allowance, I am sure the guys who have more knowledge about this will reply soon take care...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sadly, unless you can meet the financial requirement (or any exemption) any application will fall for refusal.
    There is no allowance for third party sponsorship.
    Please take some time to review the Financial Requirement.

    It's very unfair and unjust but that's how it stands just now.
    May I very kindly suggest you make a forum search on EEA route and see if that might represent any kind of possibility.

    God Bless

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    One of the stupid thing about this rule (yet to be tested in the courts and will fail under 'Right to family life'), if neither of the applicants work but both have parents who are Billionaires, your visa can still be refused under the current guidelines
    Keith - Administrator

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