Hi Folks,

Hope you can advise on this query, its impossible to get ANY advice/clarification from the UKBA and Im at my wits end...here is a cut and paste of the clarification I need, taken from an email, all comment/advice gratefully received.


Dear Sir/Madam

I am requesting clarification of some rules relating to the UK spouse visa financial requirements regulations.

I understand that as of July 2012 I must be earning £18,600 to bring my Filipino wife to the UK to join me but its the process of how to prove I meet the criteria that confuses me. I believe that I submit 6 payslips, you take the one with the lowest pay on it (gross) and multiply that by 12 to get my yearly income. The problem is that like most folk I DONT GET PAID MONTHLY, I get paid every 28 DAYS, meaning I get 13 payments a year. Surely then multiplying by 12 gives an inaccurate representation of my yearly wage, what is the rule regarding this then as Im sure most folk applying will be affected. Do I submit 7 payslips and request that one is divided into 12 and a twelfth of it added onto each of the other 6 payslips?

It also worrys me that you take the LOWEST of 6 as the vast majority of my overtime is earned in the 3 or 4 months around the Christmas period. It could be the case that I do exceed £18,600 but NOT ACCORDING to your calculation, do you advise that in such circumstances I submit my P60 in April/May detailing my complete wage for the previous year as testament of my income? I believe that even WITH a P60 you STILL do the 6 month check so again it could be the case you have, on one hand, a P60 accurately stating I earn over £18,600 whilst on the other a bizarre, unreliable and inaccurate calculation saying I don't....on the basis of which you may unfairly reject a visa application.

I was married in May, had to fly back to the UK on the EVENING of our wedding day and not seeing my beloved wife till Feb :-(

These new rules have made my life HELL, I dont claim a thing, Im working many many hours (have no life outside of work) and its so depressing. I can honestly say that if I were face to face with Cameron or May I would spit in their faces.