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Thread: Visit Visa Chances - I see a lot of difficulties in this forum

  1. #1
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    Visit Visa Chances - I see a lot of difficulties in this forum

    Hi folks, I'm a new member here so treat me kindly I have been chatting with a wonderful young Filipina lady from Quezon City, Metro Manila for the past 2 months. I am visiting her in January and I fully intend to ask her to be my partner, from where a traditional courtship process will begin. Living in Metro Manila she is wordly wise but also very shy and very sweet, with a very mature head on her shoulders for 22 years old.

    Anyway, to the matter at hand. She has a good fully tenured job in a call centre for an American company. She lives at home with her mother, father, sister and niece. She doesn't own any property. I think because of her job she earns reasonable money and has good ties back home, so good reason to return.

    I am planning a 1 month trip for summer next year which will involve both a UK and Schengen visa. I think she will be able to get a letter from her employer saying she will have a job to return to. Our genuine intention is for her to visit Europe so that we can spend some time together and get to know one another better before we decide to become engaged. Well... that's my intention, she knows this is on the cards but refuses to talk about it until we meet in person (she is an actions speak louder than words person... did I say worldly wise?)

    What do you think her chances of being granted a visit visa are given her circumstances?

  2. #2
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    Firstly let me say hello and offer you a warm welcome to our online community.

    Secondly, I'd like to wish you a wonderful and memorable first visit to the Philippines.
    Your gf sounds very sensible. Keep an open mind, be happy and enjoy each step as it comes.

    Regarding the visit visa idea, it seems you have done some research here already so you will surely realise that the approval largely hinges around the probability of your gf returning home from UK. That in turn is largely connected to strong ties to the Philippines.

    My own personal view has always been that in view of the very low cost of application it's always well worth making an application. Your strategy is to convince the ECO that the visit is funded and that she will return home.
    If your gf has not previously travelled outside of Philippines please do think carefully about the reasons for the visit, the timing of the visit and the requested duration of the visit.
    There should be no doubt in the mind of the ECO that she will leave UK.

    Any application for schenghen visa will need to be made from Philippines not from UK, so just be prepared to nail down some plans on that.

    Good luck

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Firstly let me say hello and offer you a warm welcome to our online community.

    Secondly, I'd like to wish you a wonderful and memorable first visit to the Philippines.
    It will actually be my second. I only wish I had met her then. Needless to say I'm very much looking forward to
    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Your gf sounds very sensible. Keep an open mind, be happy and enjoy each step as it comes.

    Regarding the visit visa idea, it seems you have done some research here already so you will surely realise that the approval largely hinges around the probability of your gf returning home from UK. That in turn is largely connected to strong ties to the Philippines.

    My own personal view has always been that in view of the very low cost of application it's always well worth making an application. Your strategy is to convince the ECO that the visit is funded and that she will return home.
    If your gf has not previously travelled outside of Philippines please do think carefully about the reasons for the visit, the timing of the visit and the requested duration of the visit.
    There should be no doubt in the mind of the ECO that she will leave UK.

    Any application for schenghen visa will need to be made from Philippines not from UK, so just be prepared to nail down some plans on that.

    Good luck
    Thanks for the advice. The visit will be of fixed duration with a mostly fixed itinerary and it is absolutely her intention to return to the Philippines. In fact we hope to see the Tour de France (100th edition in 2013, will be amazing) and a little of Paris by spending a week in France. The time before and after (maybe 1 week either side, so 3 weeks) will be spent in the UK.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mpkayeuk View Post
    It will actually be my second. I only wish I had met her then. Needless to say I'm very much looking forward to

    Thanks for the advice. The visit will be of fixed duration with a mostly fixed itinerary and it is absolutely her intention to return to the Philippines. In fact we hope to see the Tour de France (100th edition in 2013, will be amazing) and a little of Paris by spending a week in France. The time before and after (maybe 1 week either side, so 3 weeks) will be spent in the UK.
    I have no doubt she will return home.
    But look at it from the outside and plan how to convince the ECO.
    That's the key

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi and welcome, great to have plans but it seems you may be trying to run before you can walk, its great you are planning your visit to meet her in the phils, what a experiance that would be, lots have made that trip and look at most of us , all very happy people,i would wait till that visit before i made any other plans about her coming here or even you going back there, seems you are a tour de france nut, well there are a few on here too, best place to watch it is the tv, you see lots of it on there, if it was me i would save up my money and get out there again to the phils and try to visit one of the beautiful islands, but be prepared to take some of the family along too, but the cost would be a lot cheaper then coming to europe just for the two of you, good luck in what ever you choose

  6. #6
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    My own personal view has always been that in view of the very low cost of application it's always well worth making an application.
    A few years ago I think this could also have been said about the settlement visa, hence so many applications before and that is why I think the price increased so much.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty View Post
    A few years ago I think this could also have been said about the settlement visa, hence so many applications before and that is why I think the price increased so much.
    Rusty, you're quite right.
    The settlement visa fee has certainly gotten very very expensive.
    And the rules have gotten both 'expensive' and complex.

    So glad I was lucky enough to bring my wife to UK in 2002
    But it must be said, even then we had so many 'technical' challenges to overcome.

    How naive we were even then to think that the person you married could easily join with you in your own country.

  8. #8
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    With a clear itinerary, a good supporting letter, clear financial evidence and the letter from her employer saying that she has a job to return to and good reasons to show she'll return to the UK you'll be in with a very strong chance of securing the visa.
    For the Schengen visa, they'll also want to see a full itinerary, flight details and hotels etc, but will also require full insurance with medical and repatriation. I'll see if I can dig out the details of a company who I found online, who underwritten with Lloyds of London provided insurance for my wifes schengen visa.

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