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Your gf sounds very sensible. Keep an open mind, be happy and enjoy each step as it comes.
Regarding the visit visa idea, it seems you have done some research here already so you will surely realise that the approval largely hinges around the probability of your gf returning home from UK. That in turn is largely connected to strong ties to the Philippines.
My own personal view has always been that in view of the very low cost of application it's always well worth making an application. Your strategy is to convince the ECO that the visit is funded and that she will return home.
If your gf has not previously travelled outside of Philippines please do think carefully about the reasons for the visit, the timing of the visit and the requested duration of the visit.
There should be no doubt in the mind of the ECO that she will leave UK.
Any application for schenghen visa will need to be made from Philippines not from UK, so just be prepared to nail down some plans on that.
Good luck