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Thread: Filipino maids complain of rape, abuse in Morocco

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Filipino maids complain of rape, abuse in Morocco

    Young women from the Philippines working as housemaids in Morocco have described being exploited, physically abused and raped by their employers in the north African kingdom.

    read more here ...

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    The honorary consul for the Philippines, Porto Joselito, said about 3,000 young Philippine housemaids worked in Morocco.

    "Most of them are victims of poor treatment and exploitation, including sexual exploitation," he said.

    read more here ...
    So if thats the case, why on earth are they going there, and for that matter why is the government allowing them to go there?

    Filipino maids work all over the world, and generally are successful and treated well. We employ a Filipina maid here in Oman, and most of her friends and colleagues are happy here with their employers.

    For those filipinas working in Morocco, the government should get them out and safe from harm.

  3. #3
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    I warn any Filipina I get into conversation with against going to that disgusting cesspit the Middle-East and North Africa.

    Evidently the Phils government just don't care, otherwise they would do the same.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Complete filth-pit of the world. Anyone doesn't like this or think it's raaaaaaaaaaaaacist - kiss my

  5. #5
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Pinoy government have the spine of an invertebrate,its a legal slave trader,pinoys and pinays are mistreated regularly in a number of countries but pinas doesnt want to make waves,it just wants remittances to fly back to pinas
    I was in morocco several times last year,I am as streetwise as they come,moreso than most,but morocco is one of those places you need eyes in the back of your head,I was based on Gib as a kid,I nearly got knifed in algeciras by a moroccan,a friend of mine was stabbed in amsterdam by a maroccan and almost died,and I know a blond haired blue eyed guy who was roughed up and thought he was going to be raped in the rif mountains,not a nice place

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