well soon be another year come and gone and for many on here lots of happiness and some lots of pain, for me its been another very good year, Ems has got the job she wanted and is doing very well there, the ILR is being processed while i am typing and all being well that should be here early next year, well up to April i think,. Early on in the year we had the fortune to sell a timeshare and did not get anywhere what we paid but its gone and we did have some fantastic holidays around the world even borocay using the timeshare so thats not a bad deal i think,the plans are still on course for our dreams to happen. We have decided to pay of the mortgage this month so a early xmas present to us both,i think, no i know life has been fantastic to me since finding Ems and also finding this forum, new friends has been made and hopefully lots more to follow,keep following your dreams my friends they will only come true if you want them to happen, A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, Steve and Emma