I can't see how you can blame labour for a recession that was caused mainly by the actions of greedy bankers and a defecit that now has to be paid back by the working man. Since the Tories come to power the only people who have benefited have been the people who earn most because the top rate of tax has been lowered.
I remember Cameron in opposition supporting Browns idea to spend money to keep people working and once in power he turns the opposite way and now the working people have to suffer with his austerity measures.
I honestly believe that the only way for us to recover quicker is to turn inwards and start thinking only of ourselves.
Withdrawl from the EU is a must in my mind before we disappear down the plughole but the 2 major political parties are both against it probably for their own selfish reasons.
Its against my religion to vote Tory but I most certainly will not vote Labour unless they promise to tackle the EU problem.