Hi folks, I'm a new member here so treat me kindly I have been chatting with a wonderful young Filipina lady from Quezon City, Metro Manila for the past 2 months. I am visiting her in January and I fully intend to ask her to be my partner, from where a traditional courtship process will begin. Living in Metro Manila she is wordly wise but also very shy and very sweet, with a very mature head on her shoulders for 22 years old.

Anyway, to the matter at hand. She has a good fully tenured job in a call centre for an American company. She lives at home with her mother, father, sister and niece. She doesn't own any property. I think because of her job she earns reasonable money and has good ties back home, so good reason to return.

I am planning a 1 month trip for summer next year which will involve both a UK and Schengen visa. I think she will be able to get a letter from her employer saying she will have a job to return to. Our genuine intention is for her to visit Europe so that we can spend some time together and get to know one another better before we decide to become engaged. Well... that's my intention, she knows this is on the cards but refuses to talk about it until we meet in person (she is an actions speak louder than words person... did I say worldly wise?)

What do you think her chances of being granted a visit visa are given her circumstances?