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Thread: on ILR

  1. #1
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    Question on ILR it true that a spouse can only apply for ILR/spouse visa ONLY once? and once denied, you'll lose ur chance forever. Please shed some light into this.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    but its usually better to apply again than appeal, and make sure what ever reason they refused your visa app for the first time, you show that you've dealt with that problem in your new visa app

    i don't know what the refusal rate is for ILR, but i wouldn't have thought it was high, as you've already successfully appiled for a spouse visa, as long as your provide the evidence they ask for.Also make sure you send your ILR as soon as you are able to, if it is refused, then you have time to reapply before your spouse visa expires.

  3. #3
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ladyskype View Post it true that a spouse can only apply for ILR/spouse visa ONLY once? and once denied, you'll lose ur chance forever. Please shed some light into this.
    yes,anyway you can apply ILR before your spouse visa run out

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the info. Well, haven't applied in it yet, but hubby told me about it.. which i really found absurd...not heard of visa app only done once.. So I asked.

    Might take time before we do..if he ever decides to...
    Oh.. can we apply for it in case he's out of the UK? I mean been out for a year, or years..and by the time he's decided we apply, he's with me and been with me for year/s...

    Just a thought. Hope you guys can advise me on this... I think it is impossible.. but I may be wrong. Thanks again!

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if your husband lives in the philippines with you for 4 years or more then

    from the INd website

    "If you and your husband, wife or civil partner have been living together outside the UK for four years or more, and you meet all the necessary requirements to stay permanently in the UK, you may be granted indefinite leave to enter. These requirements include showing that you have the necessary level of knowledge of the English language and life in the UK (see relevant section of this guidance for more information)."

    i don't know if anyone on this forum has applied for a visa this way ?

    but its another option for you to think about

  6. #6
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    Wow ...that's a breeze...

    now at least I know there's a fall back in case Asia goes wrong.

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if your husband lives in the philippines with you for 4 years or more then

    from the INd website

    "If you and your husband, wife or civil partner have been living together outside the UK for four years or more, and you meet all the necessary requirements to stay permanently in the UK, you may be granted indefinite leave to enter. These requirements include showing that you have the necessary level of knowledge of the English language and life in the UK (see relevant section of this guidance for more information)."

    i don't know if anyone on this forum has applied for a visa this way ?

    but its another option for you to think about

    I guess if you lived in phillipines or asia together you might be asked to proof you lived as couple. But like Joe i don't know what proof they would actually ask for As most people in phill don't get the same about of official papework that we do in the UK ie utility bills, tax etc.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i'm sure its straight forward, if you can show that your married (marriage cert) and you've lived in another country together (passports + bills,letters etc) for 4 years then they have to give your wife ILE. I would have thought you would need to show you have accommodation and finances to support your wife to, so there is no recourse to public funds.

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i'm sure its straight forward, if you can show that your married (marriage cert) and you've lived in another country together (passports + bills,letters etc) for 4 years then they have to give your wife ILE. I would have thought you would need to show you have accommodation and finances to support your wife to, so there is no recourse to public funds.
    Surely you would need the letters in both names or at least letters address seperatly for the both of you? Which means ensuring you both take out bank accounts locally etc. But if they asked for as much evidence as ILR some couples may find that tough as like fred says in another post today all the bills he has is a electricty bill no tax etc.

    I don't know if the evidence required is as strict at the present but may come stricter in the future as with all aspects of visa application.

    At the rate its going be cheaper to live in phill for four years than apply for spouse visa and ilr in the UK

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