I appear to have got rather bogged down with this subject matter. It would seem fitting, therefore, for me to clarify my own stance in such a "knotty"debate.
I have smoked since the age of 17 - a pipe, MAINLY - and continue to do so because I actually ENJOY it!
Admittedly, too ... I restrict myself to one - yes, ONE - *cigarette per day (which I also enjoy!) immediately following my evening meal, by treating *it in much the same way as those men with a penchant for "after dinner cigars" (which, I'm NOT particularly fond of!) might.
I am, of course, essentially a 'pipe man', as many of our regulars here are aware. But, I consider myself a light to moderate [unintentional pun] smoker who COULD - and has - quit on several occasions whenever financial [or other] exigencies dictate. Moreover, I confine my pipesmoking to the smallest of 3 bedrooms - which, years ago, while living alone, I converted into a study - wherein my computer is housed.
Some would say I'm a lucky man in this respect. And I'd be the first to agree.
And, at this juncture, I'd hasten to assure WHOEVER it may concern, that there is NO WAY I'd smoke in front of young children. Just as you wouldn't condone it ... neither would I !Nor would I even dream of
in other peoples' homes unless specifically invited! Indeed, I [very] rarely smoke outside, nowadays ... often abstaining for hours on end. I simply DO NOT relish giving up the habit for the rest of my days, however.
End of story.![]()