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Thread: Looks like the price of cigarettes is about to rocket.

  1. #91
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Smoking and impotence
    "For men in their 30s and 40s, smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) by about 50 per cent.
    Did you know?
    The British Medical Association estimates that up to 120,000 men have ED because of smoking.
    Erection can't occur unless blood can flow freely into the penis, so these blood vessels have to be in good condition.
    Smoking can damage the blood vessels and cause them to degenerate: nicotine narrows the arteries that lead to the penis, reducing blood flow and the pressure of blood in the penis.
    This narrowing effect increases over time, so if you haven't got problems now, things could change later.
    Erection problems in smokers may be an early warning signal that cigarettes are already damaging other areas of the body – such as the blood vessels that supply the heart.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @NetDoctor on Twitter | NetDoctorUK on Facebook
    And I agree Lastlid smoking is bad.

  2. #92
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i have no problems in that area, all i need is a wink from my Em and the blood just flows just like the water going over Niagra falls

  3. #93
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Most pubs cater for smokers outside Steve but I am going on the social aspect of things too. As you know a lot of pubs have closed now and it was not the price of beer that sent them to the wall. When I was 18 there was nothing more british than going to the pub and a pint and a fag. It was a part of life. What smoker wants to stand outside having a fag in the freezing cold? Thats what closed the pubs down.
    Pubs and Bingo Halls Andy. Two industries that complained at the time but typically they were ignored.

  4. #94
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    Tobacco display ban in Scotland to begin in April 2013

    "A ban on the display of cigarettes in Scotland's shops will come into force in April 2013 after a tobacco firm lost its legal fight to stop the move.

    Imperial Tobacco challenged Scottish ministers at the Supreme Court.

    A panel of five judges unanimously ruled against the company, saying its challenges were not well-founded.

    The Scottish government said the judgement cleared the way for the ban's introduction, which it plans for spring next year.

  5. #95
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    To me we cant win. They advise you to stop smoking because it kills you then they moan we are living longer and it costs a lot of money to care for us. . Bringing back smoking in pubs and bingo halls? Wouldnt that bring the population numbers down?

  6. #96
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Bringing back smoking in pubs and bingo halls? Wouldnt that bring the population numbers down?

  7. #97
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Most pubs cater for smokers outside Steve but I am going on the social aspect of things too. As you know a lot of pubs have closed now and it was not the price of beer that sent them to the wall. When I was 18 there was nothing more british than going to the pub and a pint and a fag. It was a part of life. What smoker wants to stand outside having a fag in the freezing cold? Thats what closed the pubs down.
    I left in 2007.. So happy to say ,I was never forced to experience a no smoking pub and still cant imagine it. Must be terrible.
    This is what I think..
    For those that like taking their kids inside Pubs and who like drinking inside a clinical non smoking environment there should be such places in a free society..
    For those who like to walk into a traditional British Boozer with a genuine atmosphere(which is no place for kids except in a beer garden on a hot Sunday afternoon) then why cant this group of people enjoy their freedom to do that?
    I always thought the British were free people living in a fair market, capitalist economy where they could vote with their feet and spend their OWN money where they wished?
    If such freedoms were again granted,how many no smoking pubs would survive?
    I really hope that many would!! That way those who prefer the more traditional pubs would not have to be followed around by some of the whinging nagging nursemaids amongst them..
    Thats the last thing they need when they are trying to enjoy a quiet pint or two!! F... me!!!!!
    If the non smoking pubs did survive then that would mean the demand for them made a viable business which would be good.. Same goes for where I would prefer to drink..

    But no. Big Government has taken away the Brits right to choose and IMO this is the thin end of the wedge.. Its very sad watching my Country slide into a big brother nanny state but Ive witnessed it happening for years..
    I really miss the old country.. Farewell old friend.

    For those non smoker wannabe nurses and do gooders wishing or thinking about living in the Philippines one day,perhaps this is not really the place for you..
    You choose!

  8. #98
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    The smoking ban went way too far in my opinion.......
    There could have been smoking pubs and non smoking pubs with the publican allowed to choose

    There is meant to be a smoking ban in Makati but i never did see any evidence of it

  9. #99
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    How are the grumpy old men and "I am alright Jacks" in Smokers Corner today?

    Still full of self justification? Addicts, by their very nature are selfish people. You wont see that on the back of a fag packet but it is common knowledge.

  10. #100
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    How are the grumpy old men and "I am alright Jacks" in Smokers Corner today?

    Still full of self justification? Addicts, by their very nature are selfish people. You wont see that on the back of a fag packet but it is common knowledge.
    Now now Lastlid...If you Lose your temper then you lose the argument!!
    Oh.. I forgot..You dont have one do you!!

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Now now Lastlid...If you Lose your temper then you lose the argument!!
    Oh.. I forgot..You dont have one do you!!
    I haven't lost my temper. You "lost the argument" some time ago when you exercised a choice to smoke regardless of the consequences. Cheap fags in the Philippines isnt the solution.

    It isn't an argument. It is your life and health and that of those around you that is at stake.

    You can lead the horse to water but you cant make them drink the water.

    Carry on smoking!

  12. #102
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    Fred. Forget your silly badges or your threats on banning. Ban me if you wish. I dont care.

    Go and have a fag. Might make you more amenable.

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Fred. Forget your silly badges or your threats on banning. Ban me if you wish. I dont care.

    Go and have a fag. Might make you more amenable.
    Excuse me? I threatened you with what?
    Please provide valid links or simply quote the offending post that you think you saw. Thank you.

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Excuse me? I threatened you with what?
    Please provide valid links or simply quote the offending post that you think you saw. Thank you.
    Fred. Do what you (collectively) like. If you want to remove someone that has an opposing view to you, why not. Do as you see fit.

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Fred. Do what you (collectively) like. If you want to remove someone that has an opposing view to you, why not. Do as you see fit.
    Just because I have a strong opposing view to yours,does not mean that we cannot discuss it like adults.
    You are acting like a little girl who has lost her sweeties..
    Now post the Quote or add a link to your accusation that I have threatened to ban you..
    Or be a man and admit that you made it up.

  16. #106
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    How are the grumpy old men and "I am alright Jacks" in Smokers Corner today?

    Still full of self justification? Addicts, by their very nature are selfish people. You wont see that on the back of a fag packet but it is common knowledge.
    No matter what you say about side effects of smoking, you can't force someone to quit smoking. It's their choice. Some people can quit but there are some who can't. You can only give them advice but forcing them to accept your views and these harmful side effects won't be effective. You have to let them do it at their own will not because it's what you want.

    I don't smoke and never did get influenced by friends or relatives who do. I really can't stand the smell though. But I'm perfectly healthy (well as of now as I don't know what would happen to me in the future). In my family, my parents don't smoke, but my older sister occasionally does and one of my brothers tried using the e-cig for a few times but then reverted back to a real ciggie. I also have uncles who smoke, but the rest doesn't. We can't tell them to stop as it's their choice, and they know the harmful effects it can do. BUT we always tell them never to smoke when my nephews are around. If they can't help it, they know that they can go out of the house or walk far enough away from the kids.

    We had a sari-sari store in Manila. Even though we don't smoke, still we sold cigarettes. It's a demand in the neighbourhood. We don't want to be a hypocrite as we needed the money from it (among the other stuffs to sell), and it's one of the easiest money even for a small amount (neighbours buy one at a time but then they keep on buying a lot at the end of the day). Sad to say that there are kids back home who buy ciggies for their parents or a neighbour that eventually learns how to light a ciggie at such a young age, but it's the responsibilities of the parents to educate their kids about it. Although we don't sell any beers or alcoholic drinks as my parents don't want our neighbours getting drunk in front of the house especially as me and my sister are usually the ones left to tend the store if my parents are out.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  17. #107
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    How are the grumpy old men and "I am alright Jacks" in Smokers Corner today?

    Still full of self justification? Addicts, by their very nature are selfish people. You wont see that on the back of a fag packet but it is common knowledge.
    Fine thanks. Just got off my train in High Barnet and enjoying a cuppa and a couple of fags.
    Wow and there was you telling us yesterday that you were not being judgemental

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    No matter what you say about side effects of smoking, you can't force someone to quit smoking. It's their choice. Some people can quit but there are some who can't. You can only give them advice but forcing them to accept your views and these harmful side effects won't be effective. You have to let them do it at their own will not because it's what you want.

    I don't smoke and never did get influenced by friends or relatives who do. I really can't stand the smell though. But I'm perfectly healthy (well as of now as I don't know what would happen to me in the future). In my family, my parents don't smoke, but my older sister occasionally does and one of my brothers tried using the e-cig for a few times but then reverted back to a real ciggie. I also have uncles who smoke, but the rest doesn't. We can't tell them to stop as it's their choice, and they know the harmful effects it can do. BUT we always tell them never to smoke when my nephews are around. If they can't help it, they know that they can go out of the house or walk far enough away from the kids.

    We had a sari-sari store in Manila. Even though we don't smoke, still we sold cigarettes. It's a demand in the neighbourhood. We don't want to be a hypocrite as we needed the money from it (among the other stuffs to sell), and it's one of the easiest money even for a small amount (neighbours buy one at a time but then they keep on buying a lot at the end of the day). Sad to say that there are kids back home who buy ciggies for their parents or a neighbour that eventually learns how to light a ciggie at such a young age, but it's the responsibilities of the parents to educate their kids about it. Although we don't sell any beers or alcoholic drinks as my parents don't want our neighbours getting drunk in front of the house especially as me and my sister are usually the ones left to tend the store if my parents are out.
    I dont agree. Smokers can be told, will be told and are being told what they should and shouldnt do when it comes to smoking. UK law is telling them so. The UK is not the only country in the world that is slowly but surely clamping down on the smokers. Philippine law will follow suit eventually, I am sure.

    Nice also to see the Scottish government banning the display of cigarettes in shops.

    Hopefully the ban on driving and smoking with kids in the back will be brought in.

    Listening to the opinion of the pro smokers on here only goes to show that we need those laws in place to protect the non smokers and the kids.

    The important thing is the passive smoking kids. For that reason I for one will never agree with the argument of a smoking addict.

    Maybe the NHS should backcharge the smokers for treating their ailments. Then that might make a difference to their attitudes. After all I have seen a lot of opinion on here that is identical when it comes to drinkers, drug addicts and over eaters. Why should smoking get special dispensation?

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Just because I have a strong opposing view to yours,does not mean that we cannot discuss it like adults.
    You are acting like a little girl who has lost her sweeties..
    Now post the Quote or add a link to your accusation that I have threatened to ban you..
    Or be a man and admit that you made it up.
    On the contrary, my stance is the responsible one.

    I have seen you in action with London_ Manila. Someone who had a point and an opinion that differed from others. It seems to be a common theme. In this case you threatened.

    I am sure you havent forgotten but I will leave you to check your thread out in case you have forgotten.

  20. #110
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    On the contrary, my stance is the responsible one.

    I have seen you in action with London_ Manila. Someone who had a point and an opinion that differed from others. It seems to be a common theme. In this case you threatened.

    I am sure you havent forgotten but I will leave you to check your thread out in case you have forgotten.
    I have no respect .....

    for someone that has no backbone.. sorry.
    Watch your accusations in future...
    Mr Jellyfish.

  21. #111
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    Final words... Thread... closed.

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