hello everyone!!

first, i would like to express my sincere thanks to the people who put up this site... it somehow gives light to people like me.

well, here is my issue:

i was granted a uk visitor's visa last year, june 2006, which is set to expire on december 2006. november 2006, my sister (a work permit holder) told me that i could try applying for a work permit, since her employer is willing to hire me. we lodged the work permit application in no time, and submitted my passport with it. the application result came out on february 2007, and unfortunately, it was denied. after that, we didnt know what to do, if to do an appeal. but also during that time, i met a wonderful british guy, and on march 2007, he proposed to me, which added up to the already complicated things; because we (my sister and i) didnt know if i should do an appeal, or get married (but how?). and these confusion led us to the idea that i should just go home and apply for a fiancee visa.

the arrangement of things there in the uk (booking of church, paperwork, looking for a solicitor) took us roughly 4 months, and i just went back here in the Philippines this july 2007. its a good thing though, that i have all the necessary documents and i was able to lodge the visa application last july 25, 2007 (am i allowed to post the date?)

the questions that i have though, are as follows:

- what are the chances that i could still be issued a visa (because i kind of overstayed my visa there in the UK)
- and if i have a chance, somehow, what are the chances that it will be issued before my would-be flight date (my fiance booked me a return ticket)
- also, will it be issued just in time, because we have booked the catholic church wedding in october
- how can i enquire about the status of my application?

its just because i went to the VFS to lodge my application, i didnt know the waiting time... but when the application was already submitted, i was given a piece of paper saying something about the waiting times.. and fiancee visa, which falls under settlement, says i need to wait for 3 months.. is that true?

with regard to the documents, we have submitted everything, and we even have a letter from the priest, confirming about booking the wedding, of course subject to the visa issuance. also, we have a letter from the solicitor, explaining what happened to my overstaying, etc etc..

please help me with any info.. im really anxious because all i have is a month before would-be departure, and i dont even know if i have the chance of getting the visa..

any input will be highly appreciated..

thank you so much for reading, and for responding..

