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Thread: UK plans more visa interviews

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb UK plans more visa interviews

    Theresa May says UK plans more visa interviews for students

    More people applying for visas to study in the UK are to undergo face-to-face interviews, rather than just paper checks, the home secretary has said.

    Theresa May said that from next April border staff would question more than 100,000 people to "root out abuse" of the system, while maintaining the UK as a destination for study.

    She pledged to help end the use of visas as a "backdoor route" to work.

    Mrs May said the government was on track to meet its migration target.

    The coalition wants to cut the level of net migration - the balance between the number of people who come to live in the UK for the long-term and the number who are leaving - to below 100,000 by 2015.

    Figures released last week show it fell from 242,000 to 183,000 in the year to March.


    The government says it has tightened up the rules on students from outside the European Economic Area applying for visas to take up courses in the UK.

    It argues this is essential to prevent "overstayers", who use studying as an excuse to remain and work in the country, but some institutions have complained that the change makes it harder to attract bright applicants, who opt to go elsewhere.

    Last year, the UK Border Agency began a pilot scheme in which "high-risk student visa applicants" were interviewed rather than undergoing the usual paper-based checks.

    Beginning in Pakistan, and then moving to other countries, more than 2,300 prospective students were questioned.

    In a speech to the Policy Exchange think tank in London, Mrs May said: "The lesson from that pilot was clear - abuse was rife, paper-based checks weren‟t working, and interviews, conducted by entry clearance officers with the freedom to use their judgement, work."

    'No current plans for cap'

    She added: "So I can announce that, from today, we will extend radically the Border Agency's interviewing programme. Starting with the highest-risk countries, and focusing on the route to Britain that is widely abused, student visas, we will increase the number of interviews to considerably more than 100,000, starting next financial year.

    "From there, we will extend the interviewing programme further across all routes to Britain, wherever the evidence takes us. I believe this new approach will help us to root out the abuse of British visas, and improve the integrity of our immigration system."

    The home secretary also said the government wanted to "strike a balance" between encouraging the lucrative market in higher education and ensuring visas are not a "backdoor route into working in Britain".

    She added: "If you can speak English, and you can get a place on a proper course at a proper university, you can come to study in Britain.

    "There is no cap on the number of students able to come here - and there are no current plans to introduce a cap."

    Mrs May said the coalition had been "left to deal with the consequences of more than a decade of uncontrolled, mass immigration" under Labour.

    BBC home affairs correspondent Danny Shaw said the announcement over visas was a "major change to the immigration system".


  2. #2
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    Note this interesting extract:-

    "From there, we will extend the interviewing programme further across all routes to Britain, wherever the evidence takes us. I believe this new approach will help us to root out the abuse of British visas, and improve the integrity of our immigration system."

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    10 mins too slow Peter

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    10 mins too slow Peter
    Yes, Joe. Sorry.
    I've been trying to delete but my PC started playing up and then slowed down.
    I've had to recover the page again.


  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Note this interesting extract:-
    well my wife attended an interview and years later my stepson did to.

  6. #6
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    My ex also had to attend an interview at the British Embassy (for spouse visa) , along with all other settlement visa applicants back in 1991. I went with her.

    Attended another one with my stepkids for their settlement visa applications in 1996.

  7. #7
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    The Isle of Man Immigration people encourage a hand delivered ILR application and like to help with advice on the compilation of the material.

    This means that they get to see a vast majority of applicants face to face, which they told me they preferred.

    A good move on their part, a kind of informal interview.

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