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Anyone with a modicum of interest can go online,search and find explosive device info,visit their local hardware store and garden centre,then get on a bus like the 7/7 fruitloops,its people who kill people,take away one method and man is inventive in his destruction of fellow man.
Gun control in america isnt going to happen,since last weeks incident gun sales stateside have actually shown an INCREASE as people fore-arm (just in case),Obama hasnt once mentioned the words "Gun-ban" or "Gun-control" in any speech since the shootings BECAUSE its political suicide,its enshrined deeply in the psyche of the average american as it is in the second ammendment,theres 85-90 guns per 100 people in the states,you cant control those numbers,the guy used a glock a Sig and an AR-15 rifle I think?Glocks and Sigs are semi-auto pistols,there are millions of them in private hands stateside,how do you legislate against them?He might do something about certain types of guns or try and push a bill through against certain types but total gun bans or tight controls?Not going to happen.