I receive all the messages on my iPad, but not all the messages on my laptop
I estimate around 4 or 5 messages per week out of around 80 to 100 total messages do not get to my laptop, but do get to my iPad.
I noticed it more recently as I needed to communicate much more with family back in Phils.
I thought it might have been down to problems with the Pablo storm but it's not.
Thanks for reading and replying Sars
If a client has recently been updated then it may be something to do with the settings within or without, make sure that the server side is set properly and that the default settings are appropriately set as this could be redirecting the missing emails.
If a client has recently been updated then it may be something to do with the settings within or without, make sure that the server side is set properly and that the default settings are appropriately set as this could be redirecting the missing emails.
Yep, good thinking.
I'll double check everything.
I know from personal experience how important it is to have every single command just perfect.