hello.. happy new year to everyone!
I am in the UK now with EEA family permit valid until may 5, 2013. And I have a passport with my single name on it and is valid till Nov 2014. And me and my husband are planning to go to Austria again this coming Easter. But we are scared that if we booked in advance the 2 flights to Austria then by this month or February we will apply the EEA 2 which is residence permit which might take longer to process and then my passport won't be returned before Easter then the flight will be a waste.
Also if I change my passport with my new married name, what will happen to the old passport and visa which is the EEA family permit that is valid until may 5, 2013? Can I still use it?
Do i need to book an appointment to the Philippine embassy?
ohh sorry if i have a lot of questions .. just really don't know what to do.. :/
please help us..