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Thread: Scared! that i dont meet the financial requirement

  1. #1
    Member gooner1014's Avatar
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    Scared! that i dont meet the financial requirement

    i really need to know if i meet the financial requirement.i work for the John lewis partnership a business as u may or may not know is an employee owned business. and every year we get paid our share of the profits we earn for our financial year.

    so my question is will the uk-ba take this into account that it is part of my earnings for the year??
    right now i take home in gross every month £1469.66 every month in gross. times 12 months is £17635.92
    a year.

    if you add my annual bonus from my share of the profits. this is a percentage or our earnings for the year added on top or my salary. which will make my earnings for the year more than £18600. since the percentage has never been less that 10% in the last 10 years of the business. this year is our most profitable year so were lookin around 16-20 percent bonus. last year it was 14% and the year before it was 18% and even during the reccesion john lewis had huge profits..

    i hope somecan help me on this. thanks

  2. #2
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    Take a look at this thread called
    How To Apply For A Spouse/Partner Visa

    You'll gain a pretty good understanding of the evidence you MUST provide.

    Sorry to be so brutal in my response, but from what you've divulged you will NOT be able to meet the detailed requirement in the way that UKBA specify.
    The UKBA require 6 months payslips where the lowest one can compute to an annual gross income of £18600.

    In principle you'll need to seek a way to increase your income each month to the level of £1550 minimum.
    You're not so far off so maybe monthly overtime opportunities or a small part time job can bring that level.
    Without achieving that any application would fall for refusal.
    You need 6 months of evidence with wage slips and corresponding bank statements

    You may want to consider discussing your options with a good immigration advisor. It's possible they may have some ideas / proposals on how to proceed with your current circumstances. Always worth a try. But may involve going through a stressful and heart rending appeals process in the courts (can take a long time)

    I fear that if you go ahead without further understand and /or specialised support you will be refused.

  3. #3
    Member gooner1014's Avatar
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    thanks for the info, i was really worried about this but atleast i know now even though its not what i wanted to hear :(. So ru also saying that overtime can be counted towards my monthly income cos i usually do overtime anyways. and if it come down to it i will try to get a partime job..


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gooner1014 View Post
    thanks for the info, i was really worried about this but atleast i know now even though its not what i wanted to hear :(. So ru also saying that overtime can be counted towards my monthly income cos i usually do overtime anyways. and if it come down to it i will try to get a partime job..

    The key is that your monthly wage slips shows at least the minimum threshold of £1550 each month for minimum 6 months.
    Your employer needs to provide a written statement also.

    Read the link to that thread I provided and follow the UKBA links in that posting. That's the best way to understand.
    Personally, I would suggest you consider a small part time job just to get you clearly above the monthly minimum.
    With 5 months wage slips at £2000 and one month at £1500 you'll get refused since UKBA will compute solely on the lowest in that 6 months

    Good luck George

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    George ... I realise how dreadfully disappointed you must feel to discover you're short of the mark by such a seemingly miniscule amount.

    with Terpe, though, it is DEFINITELY better to be safe than sorry!

    Meanwhile, to our friendly site and all the very best with WHATEVER steps you decide to take in order to boost your financial status.

  6. #6
    Member gooner1014's Avatar
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    thank you terpe and arthur for ur advice. now i know what i need to do just to be safe.New years resolution for next years is to get a permanent part time job.
    disappointed but its not unreachable

  7. #7
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Do you receive any yearly salary rises? Would it be worth asking for one if you haven't? As really you're not far from their £18600 amount and a salary increase could be enough to go over that amount.

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