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Thread: I'm offended!

  1. #31
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I'm a Filipino, I wasn't encouraged by this forum to come here in the UK. This forum is not encouraging and telling Filipinos to come here, it's helping people who wants to come here to do the correct and right process. We are not a travel agency promoting UK in any way. Just like you and other British guys here, most of them join the forum to help them know the proper process of immigration. Also, it's all the illegals that members here don't want. If you would just read comments on newspaper articles online, lots of them are worse. I'm an immigrant here and I myself are appalled and angered by these illegals who made things for genuine applicants so bloody difficult!
    I stand corrected and should have wrote "encourage people coming to this country". However, I note your comment and do not in any way condone illegal immigration to this country nor do i agree with people making offensive remarks about people of a different race or colour. Yes there are good and bad immigrants and i believe immigration does benefit the country overall. Clearly illegal immigration does NOT benefit the country.

    Grahams comment "Unfortunately there will always be people who are just too thick to comprehend the difference between being a critic and being a bigot." I must say that i am not aware of any of my posts being bigoted but i am always critical of comments that i might not agree with. As steve mentions we do have things in common but may not agree with each other. Personally i think that leads to healthy debate on the numerous issues aired on this forum. I dont have any issues with that providing comments made are not offensive or personal. I am also open to critisism and will admit if i am wrong having heard others views i may not of considered.

  2. #32
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    I am also open to critisism and will admit if i am wrong having heard others views i may not of considered.
    Like Dedworth referring to a picture of thieving Roma's and calling them such, a picture that appeared in the British press, and with similar comments across the internet including the Daily Mail, which is far as I am aware hasn't been contacted for anyone being a racist who works or posts on the site.

    It is annoying when people make an incorrect conclusion about something based on something they incorrectly assumed. Hence the reason so many 'racist' cases have been thrown out of court over the last few months due to ocer zealous minorities trying to make out the majority are somehow against the world.

    I know people who hate, no, despise, and would gladly see them all in Hell, the Labour party .... or the Tory party ..... not a problem though, just a view by some people, but a minority would probably see that as some kind of 'ism' or terrorist thought!!!

    I'd rather see our hard working, low-esteemed police force doing what they do best, protecting the public, rather than having to waste time on some people's incorrect assumptions.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #33
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Like Dedworth referring to a picture of thieving Roma's and calling them such, a picture that appeared in the British press, and with similar comments across the internet including the Daily Mail, which is far as I am aware hasn't been contacted for anyone being a racist who works or posts on the site.

    It is annoying when people make an incorrect conclusion about something based on something they incorrectly assumed. Hence the reason so many 'racist' cases have been thrown out of court over the last few months due to ocer zealous minorities trying to make out the majority are somehow against the world.

    I know people who hate, no, despise, and would gladly see them all in Hell, the Labour party .... or the Tory party ..... not a problem though, just a view by some people, but a minority would probably see that as some kind of 'ism' or terrorist thought!!!

    I'd rather see our hard working, low-esteemed police force doing what they do best, protecting the public, rather than having to waste time on some people's incorrect assumptions.
    Thankyou for the cross references to those daily newspaper articles, very useful. If you read all the articles there is no reference to "roma scum" or any other offensive remark directed at these people. The articles are just reporting the facts without offence. The Police and newspapers have to treat these people with some respect even though maybe they may not deserve it. We are all in this country innocent until proved guilty.

  4. #34
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    'We are all in this country innocent until proved guilty.'

    Good luck with that one.

  5. #35
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Romanians need permission to work in the uk

    if they dont get permission what do you think they will do to get money ???

  6. #36
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    One of the pages contains the word 'scum' ... You seem to have jumped on a word like some idiots jumped on the word 'pleb' when the real story is that a scum politician SWORE at a ploice officer, has admitted it, didn't get arrested, and yet his muppet Tory friends want to give him his job back!!! No wonder the police get psssst off with politicians ..... no backing whatsoever

    You seem to have connected the word 'scum' to the word 'racist' by some means unbeknown to the majority of folk on here. Even a judge used the word 'scum' maybe he should be sacked?
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #37
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    One of the pages contains the word 'scum' ... You seem to have jumped on a word like some idiots jumped on the word 'pleb' when the real story is that a scum politician SWORE at a ploice officer, has admitted it, didn't get arrested, and yet his muppet Tory friends want to give him his job back!!! No wonder the police get psssst off with politicians ..... no backing whatsoever

    You seem to have connected the word 'scum' to the word 'racist' by some means unbeknown to the majority of folk on here. Even a judge used the word 'scum' maybe he should be sacked?
    No i am not jumping on the word "scum" BUT i am on the phrase "Roma Scum" which is clearly racist and offensive to a particular race. If you can find the same phrase used in the national press then i will be very suprised. What if it was "Filipino scum" then i am sure many on here would also be whats the difference?

  8. #38
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Roma scum because they're Romanian, Pakistani scum because they're Pakistani, Filipino scum because they're Filipino, British scum because they're British..all the same to me as they're just stating their nationality.
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  9. #39
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Well if I knew of a cluster of Filipino's thieving in our country and they got arrested, I'm sure that judge would probably refer to them as scum, and as they would be single group of non-British people that would make him a racist wouldn't it? Well no it wouldn't, as scum Filipino's they would be and I know many Filipina's here would agree if he did.

    Only 6,600+ people/sites need to be arrested and jailed for being racist

    Nearly 9000 for 'gypsy scum'

    Another 4,700 for 'romanian scum'

    ...and 10,000's of others

    Seems over 15,700 don't like us English Great news Good to be noticed.
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #40
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    Of course passports would need to be the interests of accuracy.

    DNA taken...

    This could take some time, especially for forum members and their families.

  11. #41
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Some great stories under 'scouse scum' .... makes me feel at home
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #42
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    I've only ever had one 'Scouse' friend, and he was a petty criminal, a womaniser and a drunk.


  13. #43
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Well if I knew of a cluster of Filipino's thieving in our country and they got arrested, I'm sure that judge would probably refer to them as scum, and as they would be single group of non-British people that would make him a racist wouldn't it? Well no it wouldn't, as scum Filipino's they would be and I know many Filipina's here would agree if he did.

    Only 6,600+ people/sites need to be arrested and jailed for being racist

    Nearly 9000 for 'gypsy scum'

    Another 4,700 for 'romanian scum'

    ...and 10,000's of others

    Seems over 15,700 don't like us English Great news Good to be noticed.
    It doesnt suprise me you can find plenty of reference on the internet, however this is not the British press who gladly have to be more careful on what they print.

  14. #44
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    .....however this is not the British press who gladly have to be more careful on what they print.
    By NOT the British press I take it you do not include the Independent, Daily Post, Mirror, Daily Mail, Telegraph, etc that are listed with such words /phrases on Google then?

    I'm bored now.... lets just accept that the majority on here are right and a minor minority of a minor minority of 2 is wrong
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #45
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    By NOT the British press I take it you do not include the Independent, Daily Post, Mirror, Daily Mail, Telegraph, etc that are listed with such words /phrases on Google then?

    I'm bored now.... lets just accept that the majority on here are right and a minor minority of a minor minority of 2 is wrong
    I thought i was now alone as the other person who dares to challenge anything said here has been banned?

  16. #46
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    I thought i was now alone as the other person who dares to challenge anything said here has been banned?
    He told me a few days ago that he won't go back and post to the forum unless I reinstate the neg rep I gave him. He even said goodbye and he doesn't want to be here as members here are a bunch of numpties. Yet he keeps on posting and stirring people up in every chance he get, even in unrelated topics, just so he can get the last word. Admin banned him for that. Not because he's challenging people here, but because of his attitude. I've got a few debates with some of these members he's against with too and yet those members and I still have a laugh over some topics at the end of the day, as we're not getting seriously affected with each other's ideas and points of views. It would be an advantage for him being out of the forum though, as he'll get more time with his wife and new born baby, instead being here online most of the time.
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  17. #47
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    I thought i was now alone as the other person who dares to challenge anything said here has been banned?
    He was banned for numerous reasons, not one of them to do with challenging anything. Complaints against him have been received for months now, members only get X amount before action is taken, and the person in question was given numerous occassions to change over that time. You've made an incorrect assumption again!
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #48
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    He was banned for numerous reasons, not one of them to do with challenging anything. Complaints against him have been received for months now, members only get X amount before action is taken, and the person in question was given numerous occassions to change over that time. You've made an incorrect assumption again!
    I stand corrected....but what was the other incorrect assumtion?

  19. #49
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Copper thieves jailed for total of 23 years after causing chaos for rail users

    The Romanian-born criminals put their lives on the line as they expertly cut through 650v industrial cabling to get to the copper.

    can you call thieves scum ? of course not all Romanians are theives

  20. #50
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    That was the assumption .... just the one

    We have a record of being very very tolerant on here, especially to those who have either been here for years, or posted 1000's of times, and these people get a lot more freedom here than a newbie would, so they are expected to set an example. For some reason people change over time, and that comes out on the forum for one reason or another.
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Copper thieves jailed for total of 23 years after causing chaos for rail users

    The Romanian-born criminals put their lives on the line as they expertly cut through 650v industrial cabling to get to the copper.

    can you call thieves scum ? of course not all Romanians are theives
    Such a shame the 650 volts didn't get them, it would help keep the prison spend down

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That was the assumption .... just the one

    We have a record of being very very tolerant on here, especially to those who have either been here for years, or posted 1000's of times, and these people get a lot more freedom here than a newbie would, so they are expected to set an example. For some reason people change over time, and that comes out on the forum for one reason or another.
    That is true.

    I have lost a tooth, a lot of hair...and gone grey.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Such a shame the 650 volts didn't get them, it would help keep the prison spend down
    Where is your compassion Dedworth ?

    Those poor people will now at least receive 3 good meals a day, and may even be able to save the taxpayer money by helping to re-wire the prison.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Where is your compassion Dedworth ?

    Those poor people will now at least receive 3 good meals a day, and may even be able to save the taxpayer money by helping to re-wire the prison.
    That's if they have time between studying their legal and medical text books. I've learnt something new from the forum today that professional criminals are merely decent types who have fallen on hard times. Lord Knows Why I fail to see good in everyone I really must try to be more understanding and compassionate.

  25. #55
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Seems very odd to me that , on one hand this forum is trying to welcome and encourage people to come to this country (filipinos) but at the same time making openly racist and offensive comments to people from other countries or races already here in the UK. Not sure what the new filipino readers of this forum can make of this?
    Trust me..Filipino`s do not need encouragement to travel anywhere legally abroad where a job is waiting!
    There is also some pretty harsh racism going on over here by Filipino`s everyday..Has been like that for ever since I can remember.
    Example.. One of my nieces came down from the province to stay with us whilst she applied at our local Robinson mall in Cavite.. She passed education requirements,Height requirements etc but ultimately refused as she was "too black"... Now all my inlaws thought this was hilarious and teased her for 2 days straight!
    She spent the next month inside ,scrubbing her self daily with an everyday,common bar of whitening soap until she was white enough to try again..
    Filipino`s, especially many Tagalogs often refer to girls like my niece with comments like "mangmang iyan" (person is stupid)
    In regards foreigners and "guests" living in the Philippines,well they have very few rights..Usually none..
    I would imagine that the same could be said for many Brits traveling to certain parts of Europe too.. Call the hosts Racist if you wish but never forget that they ARE the hosts,so dont shout it too loud or there may well be unfortunate consequences.
    My point is,I doubt they are as easily offended as the average Liberal new age Brit is!..
    I will go further,I reckon its like water off a ducks back to most of them.

  26. #56
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    We all love a good debate on here and some will never agree but bin-lid took it too far and got personal,he didn't like it when he got some back
    Also he basically threatened on this site about posting links to "the right people" bloody hell if that's a friendly comment then I'm joining the gestapo
    This is a great forum and we all like a bit of banter and sometimes think we are right,he clearly wasn't and could not come down off his soap box.
    You will find many of us dare to say things on here too as it's called free speech
    This is a lively forum-never boring let's keep it that way,even Andy222 admits he was wrong having a go at the coalition and it's his party of choice now
    Opps sorry typing error He never said that

  27. #57
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Racism harassment bullying and homophobia are the new tools that your "workmates" can get you sacked over

    Of course none of these things are very nice if people are genuinely being abused

    The problem now though is that these tools are being used a lot these days and not always for genuine reasons

    Where do you draw the line between banter and abuse anyway

    Its getting to the stage now where you dont dare say anything to anyone in case they might take offense to it
    Yup. It really bugs me when some class criticism or banter as racism. Whether they're just plain ignorant or doing it on purpose they're still refuelling the fire.

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