I'm beginning to wonder what we are coming to as a nation!
All this I'm offended crap-we sound like a bunch of wimps these days

Just thinking back to as a kid growing up in the 60s I never heard that word but I did hear quite a few naughty words we can't say now.

We just got on with stuff,if someone called you big ears you called them something back or you ran home crying to mummy

I think it made many others see that in real life it can be a bit harsh what people say but for goodness sake look at us now,offended by this,offended by that!
Grow a pair of balls and get on with life and stop being such a baby.
I remember if someone was a bully then ya dad would go and give him a clip round the ear and it was dealt with and forgotten.
Now it would be a lawsuit and child abuse

I had a customer a great lad by the name of Daisy I kid you not,he was afro carrabean and when I picked him up he would say " take this n..... into town you white Honkey"
We would laugh our heads off at that was I offended or would I be if someone called me a honkey in a nasty way? of course not bloody hell why would I be

We are just to up are own arses sometimes and for people on here to threaten others with being reported is beyond belief,its like the Hitler youth reporting their parents!
See I have probably offended someone now

Grow up,grow some balls and if you feel that strongly meet the person and tell it to their face like men used to do before we descended into a bunch of wimps