She registered with Study connect and even tho' they asked her to attend classes a week leading up to test date she cannot attend the classes bcoz it's too far to travel to makati from where she lives near everyday so she opted to do their online study/practice test instead.

then 2 days before her English test they called her in for a prelim.

My wife written english is very good but have occasional grammar mistakes etc.. her spelling is even better than mine lol
Her spoken english could be as good as she writes but bcoz she can be shy to speak bcoz she fears for bad pronounciation etc... bcoz of this she doenn't speak as much as I like her to.

Ok anyway she got her test today and it's a fail. She said the online practice test study connect using on their website is multiple choice but in actual exam it's written essay and that's why she not prepared well.

How hard is it to pass these english exam?

anybody else deal with study connect before to pass?

Why is study connect giving her student multiple choice to practice when the real exam is in essay?

any thoughts??