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Thread: Irish pikeys on Ryanair assault passenger & urinate on floor

  1. #1
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    Irish pikeys on Ryanair assault passenger & urinate on floor

    Flight from hell on Ryanair as drunk travellers returning from Irish wake down cans of Guinness, urinate on the floor and injure a passenger

    • The McDonagh family were on a flight from Dublin to London
    • One of them urinated on the floor after not making it to the toilet
    • Michael McDonagh stood shouting he hit a woman dashed down the aisle

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    Repulsive scum of the earth and equally disgusting limp wristed judge

  2. #2
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    I would like to see alcohol banned from ALL flights anyway, and anyone who appears to be under the influence or rowdy, turned away.

    Why should other passengers be expected to tolerate this animal behaviour...quite apart from safety concerns ?

    For godsake...if you can't do without alcohol for a few hours.

    I'm tired of flights I've been on being ruined by one or two holes.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Yes they are the scum of the earth and the sentences are far too lenient, but it's only an hour from Dublin to London so they must have been tanked up before they got on the plane. Perhaps the airlines need to adopt a more pro active approach when dealing with them at the departure gate .

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Yes they are the scum of the earth and the sentences are far too lenient, but it's only an hour from Dublin to London so they must have been tanked up before they got on the plane. Perhaps the airlines need to adopt a more pro active approach when dealing with them at the departure gate .
    You're right it says they were kicking off in the departure lounge - Dublin Airport & Ryanair shouldn't have let them board and got the gardai involved

    They dealt with these Brit based polacks

    A drunken altercation broke out yesterday evening between two groups of Polish supporters at the airport when they were told they would not be allowed board flights to Edinburgh and London. The five men had come over to watch the Poland versus Ireland friendly at the Aviva Stadium on Wednesday.

    After seeing their side lose 2-0, they spent the night in Dublin but when they showed up at the airport a verbal fight broke out among the fans.

    Gardaí were called and they spent a night in the cells before being brought before Dublin District Court yesterday.

    Taxi driver Krzysztof Janowski (27) of Kelso Place, Kirkcaldy, Scotland, taxi-driver Bartosz Trojaniwski (31) of Oak Tree Square, also in Kirkcaldy, Maciej Zdziarski (33), with an address in London , and car valet Przemyslaw Zukowski (31), with an address in Poland, were all charged with public intoxication and causing a breach of the peace at the airport on February 7.

    - See more at:

  5. #5
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I disagree about not having a drink at airport - I behave so why should I not be allowed a beer or two

  6. #6
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    Stay off my plane !

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