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Thread: Costochondritis a pain in the chest!

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  1. #1
    Trusted Member
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    With respect Moy, you appear to have found “ costochondritis “ on the internet and now you’re wondering if your symptoms fit with this diagnosis.

    For a start, it’s not inflamed muscles. As the name suggests, it’s inflammation of cartilage ( “ chondritis “ ) attaching ribs ( “ costo “ ) to the breastbone ( sternum ). The pain is made worse by anything moving the ribs ( breathing, coughing, sneezing ). The cause may be mechanical ( lifting patients ), or not be obvious ( “ viral infection “, stress ).

    Sensible advice has already been given about painkillers ( paracetamol, ibuprofen ); local heat ( a “ hot water bottle “ ) - or even cold ( ice pack ) - may help. Avoid – where possible – the exercise which appears to start the pain.

    It’s not widely known that painkillers should not be taken with alcohol – either to avoid a hangover, or to “ avoid stress “ and in the belief they will make you “ feel better “ . Both – in excess - may damage the liver. In any case, it’s best to take a known painkiller and follow the instructions, rather than buying expensive “ painkillers / cold / flu remedies “ containing more than one ingredient.

    As I’ve said before on the forum, it can be difficult and not advisable to give categorical advice - or offer/confirm a diagnosis - purely on the basis of what a member has stated on a thread or post. Clinical examination is important – I’m also not a great fan of “ NHS Direct “ . If anyone is really worried they should see a pharmacist or doctor ( their own GP, one at an NHS “ drop in “ clinic, or in hospital Accident and Emergency ).

    I also have reservations about prolonged use of painkillers, especially if they don’t seem to be working or the dose/strength keeps requiring to be increased.
    Such use begs the question – is the diagnosis correct ?

    In the case of “ costochondritis “, it’s usually self-limited ( but possibly lasting several months ) – especially in young patients.

    However, it has to be said that there are other, more serious causes of chest pain, especially over the age of 35. The main one is coronary artery disease and this would require further investigation ( such as ECG or heart tracing, and chest X Ray ).

    I don’t wish to cause undue alarm, but your regular postings of health-related questions shows that you’re worried and may need reassurance from your own doctor, in addition to the good advice given by other members.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    With respect Moy, you appear to have found “ costochondritis “ on the internet and now you’re wondering if your symptoms fit with this diagnosis.

    For a start, it’s not inflamed muscles. As the name suggests, it’s inflammation of cartilage ( “ chondritis “ ) attaching ribs ( “ costo “ ) to the breastbone ( sternum ). The pain is made worse by anything moving the ribs ( breathing, coughing, sneezing ). The cause may be mechanical ( lifting patients ), or not be obvious ( “ viral infection “, stress ).

    Sensible advice has already been given about painkillers ( paracetamol, ibuprofen ); local heat ( a “ hot water bottle “ ) - or even cold ( ice pack ) - may help. Avoid – where possible – the exercise which appears to start the pain.

    It’s not widely known that painkillers should not be taken with alcohol – either to avoid a hangover, or to “ avoid stress “ and in the belief they will make you “ feel better “ . Both – in excess - may damage the liver. In any case, it’s best to take a known painkiller and follow the instructions, rather than buying expensive “ painkillers / cold / flu remedies “ containing more than one ingredient.

    As I’ve said before on the forum, it can be difficult and not advisable to give categorical advice - or offer/confirm a diagnosis - purely on the basis of what a member has stated on a thread or post. Clinical examination is important – I’m also not a great fan of “ NHS Direct “ . If anyone is really worried they should see a pharmacist or doctor ( their own GP, one at an NHS “ drop in “ clinic, or in hospital Accident and Emergency ).

    I also have reservations about prolonged use of painkillers, especially if they don’t seem to be working or the dose/strength keeps requiring to be increased.
    Such use begs the question – is the diagnosis correct ?

    In the case of “ costochondritis “, it’s usually self-limited ( but possibly lasting several months ) – especially in young patients.

    However, it has to be said that there are other, more serious causes of chest pain, especially over the age of 35. The main one is coronary artery disease and this would require further investigation ( such as ECG or heart tracing, and chest X Ray ).

    I don’t wish to cause undue alarm, but your regular postings of health-related questions shows that you’re worried and may need reassurance from your own doctor, in addition to the good advice given by other members.
    thanks for reply Doc Allan..does blood test give enough inf about the status of your body organ..i did once but the GP told me it was fine aside from a very slight infection that it well clear on its own..
    what i notice is the achy pain persist when the period coming (menstrual) which i got now.. plus if i set on odd or wrong position ,
    and if i rem correctly this all started when im doin the domestic job..i lift 2 full yellow bag of nappies from carehome with both arms and put on the bin which the height is taller than me..and i do it in one both hand each..after that when i get home..i was really feeling lethargy and start to ache on my body and weeks i been in ache ..until now thats my concern that why the chest area ..
    plus i went to a deep tissue massage..she says i got very tight tension on my back, neck and muscle.. she feel the knots there and plus a tear muscle on my back..think i go back there again when i get ease the pain..:(
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