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Thread: Visa App deadline approaching

  1. #1
    Member Jlsandi's Avatar
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    Visa App deadline approaching

    Hi People, Merry Xmas to all!

    I was wondering if I can pick your brains. I am due to apply for spouse visa feb and just getting last bits in place for the visa app, Ive held off due to getting a payrise and bonus end of year. Theres just a few things I need to check?

    Firstly - I have worked out by feb I would of earnt £19000.00 net and £24000.00 gross over 12 months prior to application so I just wanted to double check with the new rules that came into place dec 13th that I would be best applying under cat b and submitting 12 months worth of payslips and bank statements?

    Secondly - My landlord and 2 housemates are fine with my spouse moving in. Its a 3 bedroom house all rooms double and just the 3 of us living there. Landlord is totally cool with us moving in and I will ask for a new tenancy agreement with my spouse named on it - however thats where I am confused as we dont know when she'd be here as it depends of the processing time. So do I asked for an open eneded tenancy agreement or just get a letter from my landlord confirming that the current tenancy will renew for a min of 6 months when my spouse arrives?

    Thirdly - Would you submit a housing report or just pictures as the house is 3 bedrooms and looking at the official guidelines having 4 people in a 3 bedroom house is below what is classed as overcrowding. I was just going to go with the tenancy and pictures of my room - which is massive and the living room, kitchen and bathroom?

    I appreciate any help you can give, im getting nervous as the big day is fast approching and Im doing my application myself.

    Happy Xmas!!

  2. #2
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    Hi there JIsandi. Welcome here

    From what you've said it seems that you easily meet the Financial Requirement as a Category A applicant.
    Is there a specific reason why you believe Category B is your best approach ?

    .....just get a letter from my landlord confirming that the current tenancy will renew for a min of 6 months when my spouse arrives?..
    That's fine.

    Under the specific circumstances of your accommodation as a house under multiple occupanacy, I would suggest that you submit an independant report clearly stating that the accommodation is both adequate and is not overcrowded.
    This application is too serious to take a risks at all.
    Houses with multiple occupancy, not family owned and resided in do often fall for refusal. Better to be safe.

  3. #3
    Member Jlsandi's Avatar
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    I have choosen cat b as wages fluctuats and I dont have the required min amount each month but smash the £18600 gross annually. So thought that was my saftest option.

    Ive got the housing report sorted by the council, they coming next week and doing it for free!

  4. #4
    Member Jlsandi's Avatar
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    I managed to get the housing report arranged and for free from the council but now worrying over financial requirment again! As memention I have earnt in excess of the £18600 but I understand I need to evidence this going forward from application date. My base salary is £18180 and I have double check with the Managing director and hr dept that overtime and comission is contractural. Earning a min of £410 to a max of £1700 extra every month. I just need to make sure the letter they write stipulates that its base pay but whats peoples view on whether this would be ok?

  5. #5
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    hello sir terpe good evening,im just making sure for my upcoming visa application,i believe i'll go for caterogy b,since my husband salary 13 times a year. his payslip is 1389 sometimes its 1479 when we subtotal all its about 18,900 plus he gets a company share for about 600 per year..when we apply sir should i or my husband mention that we are applying for category b??thanks sir terpe in advance...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mendoza82 View Post
    hello sir terpe good evening,im just making sure for my upcoming visa application,i believe i'll go for caterogy b,since my husband salary 13 times a year. his payslip is 1389 sometimes its 1479 when we subtotal all its about 18,900 plus he gets a company share for about 600 per year..when we apply sir should i or my husband mention that we are applying for category b??thanks sir terpe in advance...
    Yes, I believe that Category B will better suit your application.
    Your application is marginal and you may benefit from a short consultation with an immigration advisor. It wouldn't cost much maybe £100

    It's very difficult to give advice on individual cases with minimal information.
    Good luck

  7. #7
    Member Jlsandi's Avatar
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    Hi, as many of you know already, im going to be applying for a spouse visa. I have appreciated the wealth of knowledge that this site has given me.

    Soooooo, Im applying the 31st Jan and up to that date I would of earrnt in excess of the financial requirment with overtime and commission. Now I understand that to apply under cat b, it has to be evidenced in 2 parts. That you have earnt the min requirement prior to application date and secondly that you are earning it after. So my thoughts are that with my app date being the 31st Jan I can easily evidence the first part for the second part heres my thinking - I will have a letter from my employer confirming amount earnt before and up to 31st Jan then I will have a letter confirming the salary I am on from 1st Feb onwards and also stating that I am contractualy entitled to commission. On the 15th Feb, I know I will be paid my bonus, which if added to the basic salary I will be on already exceeds the £18600 for the 12months after application date.

    Will this work? Also the date you apply online does that count as the app date or the date you submit your docs?

    Thankyou in advance for your help!

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