Hi People, Merry Xmas to all!
I was wondering if I can pick your brains. I am due to apply for spouse visa feb and just getting last bits in place for the visa app, Ive held off due to getting a payrise and bonus end of year. Theres just a few things I need to check?
Firstly - I have worked out by feb I would of earnt £19000.00 net and £24000.00 gross over 12 months prior to application so I just wanted to double check with the new rules that came into place dec 13th that I would be best applying under cat b and submitting 12 months worth of payslips and bank statements?
Secondly - My landlord and 2 housemates are fine with my spouse moving in. Its a 3 bedroom house all rooms double and just the 3 of us living there. Landlord is totally cool with us moving in and I will ask for a new tenancy agreement with my spouse named on it - however thats where I am confused as we dont know when she'd be here as it depends of the processing time. So do I asked for an open eneded tenancy agreement or just get a letter from my landlord confirming that the current tenancy will renew for a min of 6 months when my spouse arrives?
Thirdly - Would you submit a housing report or just pictures as the house is 3 bedrooms and looking at the official guidelines having 4 people in a 3 bedroom house is below what is classed as overcrowding. I was just going to go with the tenancy and pictures of my room - which is massive and the living room, kitchen and bathroom?
I appreciate any help you can give, im getting nervous as the big day is fast approching and Im doing my application myself.
Happy Xmas!!