Well just back from Bohol, had a wonderful time with the wife and our son who I left at 5 months when he wasnt really doing much but has now started walking and talking (screaming) so much more fun! Had his first birthday celebration where I cut his hair for the first time with clippers. I was impressed with the result (a #3 grade) but the wife then attacked him the next day ('I was only tidying it up!') with no grade so he now looks like a little convict haha.
In work today (and totally jetlagged) but payslip #5 was on my desk OMG its getting close!
Our hotel room in Cebu overlooked the Keppel Building so wife was ultra happy that she got an orientation as to where it is she will be submitting early Feb.
We trust you all had a Happy Christmas, keep posting the success stories it really gives us confidence and we wish eveyone, wherever you are, together or not, a wonderful and prosperous New Year. Here's to 2013 and happy families.