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  1. #1
    Respected Member Jenky's Avatar
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    Hi Joe and Graham.
    What you say is good advice and you have much more knowlege than me so its probably the right advice. But to my way of thinking the right time to apply for her daughter to come to the UK was at the time the spouse visa was applied for. I was fortunate to be able to do that. For whatever reason Kalbo was not.
    Kalbo must be close to applying for ILR so having that shows commitent to a future here in the UK. And to my mind it would be a very hard hearted person at the UKBA who would refuse an application to let her daughter join her after such a commitment to this country purely on the gounds of sole responsibilty. Surely they are more likely to be inquisitive if an application was made whilst still on spouse visa.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenky View Post
    Hi Joe and Graham.
    What you say is good advice and you have much more knowlege than me so its probably the right advice. But to my way of thinking the right time to apply for her daughter to come to the UK was at the time the spouse visa was applied for. I was fortunate to be able to do that. For whatever reason Kalbo was not.
    Kalbo must be close to applying for ILR so having that shows commitent to a future here in the UK. And to my mind it would be a very hard hearted person at the UKBA who would refuse an application to let her daughter join her after such a commitment to this country purely on the gounds of sole responsibilty. Surely they are more likely to be inquisitive if an application was made whilst still on spouse visa.
    search for 'sole responsibility' on here, recently a few people have had the visas refused for their child they left in the phils because of 'sole responsibility' i think one was won on appeal, i cant remember what happen in the other case.

    the longer you leave the child in the phils, the risk of refusal COULD increase, it's difficult to prove you have 'sole responsibility' as it is.

    UKBA dont have a heart, they tick boxes and have targets to meet and in some cases don't have any discretion at all, sole responsibility is probably the most important area when applying for a visa for a child, as it has nothing to do with Philippine law, as i said its difficult to prove in many cases you have it.

    you mention commitment to the UK but what about commitment to the child you've left behind for 2 or more years, as always if possible bring the child with you, if you cant bring the child ASAP.

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