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Thread: Married in october

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  1. #1
    Respected Member mick foreman's Avatar
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    Cool Married in october

    Sorry for putting this on here so late had major problems in and since arriving back from the philipines the end of october ....
    Any way i finally got married to my sweetheart on the 19th october at Quezon city hall after these problems have been overcome !!

    My original appointment at the British embassy was on the 8th October, unfortunately Moneras lawyer had forgotten to do something during the anullment and her cenomar had not got annulled on it , so we arrived at the embassy explained the situation at the embassy and asked for another appointment later in the week as her lawyer had promised it would be sorted out !!!! The embassy gave us there next available appointment 9.40 on thursday 18th october ... I was getting worried we would be running out of time !!! After many phone calls to her lawyer andthe days passing by without any good news , we then had a call from him on the 16th october and he told us it was sorted out and the cenomar would be available on the 18th October !!! the day of our appointment at the embassy..... so we arrived at the nso on the 18th october at 7.00 am to pick the cenomar up to be told it would not come down from upstairs untill 9 am we explained the situation that we needed to get to the embassy for our appointment to no avail . WE sat there waiting and at 9.30 got the cenomar !!! and it was exactly the same as the first one Monera collected previously with no mention of annulled from previous marriage ,,,,, Our hearts hit the floor and the feeling of hoplessness was awfull !!!! I said to Monera come on lets just try at the embassy we have nothing to lose .
    We arrived at the embassy at 11.30 ,Manila traffic what a nightmare !!!

    We both sat there waiting to be called up to the desk to hand all the paperwork over thinking this is a total waste of time !! It was not the local cni was issued

    We then rushed off to Quezon city hall to try and make an appointment to get married , we saw the judges secretary and told him all the problems we had and he said to us the embassy should not off issued local cni without moneras cenomar being correct , and he would get it sorted out for us after we had got married !! we asked how soon we could get married his reply was tomorrow !!
    So 1.30 on the 19th October we got married

    And tomorrow the 28th December Monera will be going to pick the marriage certification up from the nso .

    We have made the decision to go for a visit visa first before we go for the spouse visa as i am in rented accomodation at the moment and i am waiting for payout from my ex which has been promised the end of June Does this make it more difficult to get a visit visa as I am in rented ??????
    Last edited by mick foreman; 27th December 2012 at 21:26. Reason: mistake in typying

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick foreman View Post
    We have made the decision to go for a visit visa first before we go for the spouse visa as i am in rented accomodation at the moment and i am waiting for payout from my ex which has been promised the end of June Does this make it more difficult to get a visit visa as I am in rented ??????
    it's possible she could be refused a visit visa becuase your married and the embassy might say they dont believe she will go back before her visa expires and also its the wrong visa, as your married why is she only visiting you.

    but its probably worth the risk if your thinking of applying for a spouse visa after june.

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