I have read all your posts and as much as I can't really argue any points you all make, I guess you can say I am scared of being hurt. I'm not a very outgoing person, despite my age, I've always been a bit on the shy side and not a great conversationalist. I am the sort of person that will watch and listen rather than get involved in a conversation.
One thing I have learnt over the past two weeks while she is at home and out of internet contact is that I miss her like mad.
I had already mentioned to her that I would come to Singapore next year but she was the one who told me not to. I said I don't mind coming for 2 weeks and staying in a hotel and sightseeing and seeing her as and when I can. But she said she didn't want me doing that. This year as I have already said was too soon to go to Philippines with her for Christmas and I couldn't have gone because of work anyway.
She did say she would break her contract and come to UK next year. I did tell her not to do that as she sends money home to her family. I told her I would support her while she stayed with me but her family rely on her money.
We have a lot of talking to do over the next few weeks when she is able to get back online.
I don't really know much about others stories on here. But those that met online I would be interested to know how long it was before you met in person and did either have to make any sacrifices or was it as easy as a few have mentioned on here and you just jumped on a plane for a few weeks holiday.