Gratitude for the member to comment here otherwise I wouldn't of known this thread existed.
How about if I chopped in my trusty ever faithful C5 for an Aston Martin. .I wonder if my fellow taxpayers wouldn't mind helping me out with the maintenance bills

I thought not. Moral of the story is, live within your means.
Me personally won't be Internet dating again. .I failed twice, never to be repeated.
Better to save and earn your money instead of wasting hours trolling sites looking for love while on the other side of the coin they are trolling site for mugs like me.
The age gap issue. ..for me, the age gap was a major contribution to my 2 failings. ...No matter how well we got on in their own environment as soon as they settled here and met likewise here it changed. ..cld go on. ..I won't.
It seems some of my Aunts and Uncles married with over 10 years differences, the fact was, it made a difference especially in later life when the wife was in her 50's and the husband in their late 60s. ...okay, I'm going back to the day when men wasn't expected live live much past 64 years but, resentment was there, even in the 1940's and 50's.
Yes, I hear some say we are happy blah blah blah. ..which I don't doubt for one minute

give it a decade or so down the line then see how one feels.
Just my biased opinion folks