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Thread: applying for fiancee visa but had visitor visa refused

  1. #1
    Member benjy's Avatar
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    applying for fiancee visa but had visitor visa refused

    Hi all its been a while since i was last here. I hope you all had a great Xmas! me and my girlfriend got engaged in august. We are planning on starting the process of applying for the fiancee visa, i have a few questions... firstly we had a visitor visa denied in April will this affect us/ should we declare that it got denied? does the fiancee visa even ask if you have had a previous visa denied? Also i am self employed and i only have been a year and a half so i can only produce my books for the previous tax year and correct me if i am wrong but don't i need three years books to supply them? i'm guessing i just supply my last years books and the payslips/ p60 from my previous years employment?

    thanks in advance,

    Ben and Jen

  2. #2
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    Hi there benjy, welcome here to the forum and our online community.

    Firstly, don't be concerned about the refusal of the Visitor Visa. That will have no impact whatsoever on the settlement visa.

    What I would say is this, please do some research here on the differences between Fiance(e) visa and Spouse(Partner) visa.

    Have you considered getting married in Philippines ?

    I only say that because it's sometimes tricky to prove your intention to get married here in UK without secure evidence.

    Take a look here, or search the forum about how self employed are best advised to present their case for the Financial Requirement evidence.

  3. #3
    Member benjy's Avatar
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    no i haven't really but it could be a good idea... i understand for the evidence i need a letter from the registry office acknowledging the fact that i have inquired about getting married? And that's a relief that the other visa refusal wont affect us! thanks for the advice and i shall do some further research. ben

  4. #4
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    Please do.
    Oh, and don't be shy about asking help for any concerns you may have

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the refusal shouldn't effect any future application unless she committed fraud or deception.

  6. #6
    Member benjy's Avatar
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    no , she got refused on grounds of not enough evidence of social and economic ties to the philippines so in your opinion terpe is the spouse visa "simpler" i wont say easier hahahah we have been together for over 2 years now ive been in the philippines nearly 4.5 months out of those 2 years and im going crazy not being with her! When it asks for notarized accountants, my accounts are managed by a chartered accountant and i have the summaries of my accounts from them with thier business name heading it, will this suffice? or do i need it to be signed and verified by a solicitor? We've been denied once we don't want another refusal letter! so i dont want to leave any stone unturned! thanks for your help again i really appreciate it. ben

  7. #7
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    Benjy, the settlement visa route is simpler because it's highly regulated.
    Each applicant knows very well just what is needed to be be compliant without reliance on the 'gut feel' and discretion of an ECO.

    Please review the threads here on how to apply.
    Also make a search about Financial Requirements. Especially those relating to self employed.

  8. #8
    Member benjy's Avatar
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    ok, and as i already know the ECO's can be very cruel! I have read them already but I can't see anything about half of the time being employed then half of the time being self employed so i'm still slightly confused, I shall email the UKBA and ask them, Is there anyone I can pay to do/help me complete the visa?

  9. #9
    Member benjy's Avatar
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    ok so i have read the requirements for fiancee and spousal visa, when in your post on the fiancee visa application u say they need evidence that both partners are not married or have been so do i need to supply the certificate of no impediment? Also the evidence of intent to marry? obviouly we have convo's regarding this on IM's,FB etc.... but how about actual proof i have enquired? should i get letters from ether the vicar or registrar regarding our intentions to marry?

  10. #10
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benjy View Post
    ok so i have read the requirements for fiancee and spousal visa, when in your post on the fiancee visa application u say they need evidence that both partners are not married or have been so do i need to supply the certificate of no impediment? Also the evidence of intent to marry? obviouly we have convo's regarding this on IM's,FB etc.... but how about actual proof i have enquired? should i get letters from ether the vicar or registrar regarding our intentions to marry?
    in our experience..

    I provided Cenomar, my husband which was SINGLE didnt submit any docus about his status.

    We printed our conversation about our wedding plans etc.

    Evidence to marry we submitted engagement photos, ring receipts, wedding reception quotes from restaurants and hotels as well as the email response from the registry office about our wedding inquiry.

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