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    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    off to find a job...

    I am already 6 months in uk and now am ready looking for a job.I had made a calls yesterday morning for a job inquiries but no luck and now am off for our local job centre.When I was making a call yesterday they were asking me what am i doing for my six months here in uk,when I told them nothing much really just visiting different places and they are also asking for some experience how could people have some experience if no one would hire them for a job to experiencei told them for my previous experience abroad and ask me to give them my number and call me back am not expecting for a return call.There`s plenty of jobs but the problem is its quite far from where we live,i just want to walk a few distance from where we areso that I could just walk everyday but anyway lets see whatever happens.wish me luck guys!
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  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well you've made a start, thats the first big step
    took my wife more than 6 months to find a job, and the jobs she did get an interview for were not as good as the job she has now, so even if your rejected for a job, and feel like my wife was feeling, remember your one job application nearer to getting the job you will like

    it's like my bb son, just started crawling , but he would spends hours falling on his face, wriggling around, until he could crawl, bb's just don't know the word give up or quit , so don't quit, 6 months from now, you'll be with the money you have to spend and not bored anymore

  3. #3
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    I am already 6 months in uk and now am ready looking for a job.I had made a calls yesterday morning for a job inquiries but no luck and now am off for our local job centre.When I was making a call yesterday they were asking me what am i doing for my six months here in uk,when I told them nothing much really just visiting different places and they are also asking for some experience how could people have some experience if no one would hire them for a job to experiencei told them for my previous experience abroad and ask me to give them my number and call me back am not expecting for a return call.There`s plenty of jobs but the problem is its quite far from where we live,i just want to walk a few distance from where we areso that I could just walk everyday but anyway lets see whatever happens.wish me luck guys!
    Goodluck on your job hunting and to me as well im now filling couple of application form sent to me... im just taking a break to read new post here since i got my FLR i can seriously/confidently apply... i must admit i did tried before but when they send me the application from i never took time to fill it up.... cross fingers... hehehehe Good luck once again....
    tiger tigress

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  4. #4
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    I am already 6 months in uk and now am ready looking for a job.I had made a calls yesterday morning for a job inquiries but no luck and now am off for our local job centre.When I was making a call yesterday they were asking me what am i doing for my six months here in uk,when I told them nothing much really just visiting different places and they are also asking for some experience how could people have some experience if no one would hire them for a job to experiencei told them for my previous experience abroad and ask me to give them my number and call me back am not expecting for a return call.There`s plenty of jobs but the problem is its quite far from where we live,i just want to walk a few distance from where we areso that I could just walk everyday but anyway lets see whatever happens.wish me luck guys!
    Dont worry MrsDaddy, you're not alone. I'm in the same situation as you are now. I find JoeBloggs posts and messages very inspiring and motivating. I've read lots of his posts relating to his wife's experiences in job hunting. At first I thought I only need an NI number to make it easier for me to find a job here but the referees are also an issue to me because I'm just new here , aint got no one to ask for as character reference. My work overseas and in the Philippines seem not being noticed or credited as employers want job experience in the UK. But, what I've learned from it is rejection can be harsh but it thickens your skins and gives you strong backbones. Never stop dreaming, my friend. We'll soon find a good job.
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  5. #5
    Respected Member ebony's Avatar
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    Goodluck to you and to everyone who is looking for a job
    Just keep on trying and believing that you can make it to have a good one.
    Try and try until you succeed.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    as my wife works for the nhs, they paid for a CRB (criminal records bureau) check on her, they also asked for 2 references, for 1 of the references we used her dean at the medical uni she attended in laguna, her mom checked with the dean, and he said no problem, and also wrote a letter of recommendation for her, and posted it to us in the UK without charging us anything how many deans or professors in the uk would do that , i don't know if the hospital contacted her dean, with the philippines being 7hrs+ in front, maybe they didn't, i don't know.. but she was asked to attended an interview and was offered the job later the same night ...

    only problem we had was they wanted her to go for blood tests and jabs etc, and she told the nurse that she couldn't have certain jabs as she was pregnant. days later she got a call from the manager who interviewed her and had offered her the job, saying "we have a problem" - meaning my wife was pregnant, i told my wife to not let him bully her into quitting before she had even started, she stood her ground, and she has now been working there for nearly a year, and the trust is sending on some courses, so stand your ground, hold on, and you will get there in the end, good luck ladies

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    Dont worry MrsDaddy, you're not alone. I'm in the same situation as you are now. I find JoeBloggs posts and messages very inspiring and motivating. I've read lots of his posts relating to his wife's experiences in job hunting. At first I thought I only need an NI number to make it easier for me to find a job here but the referees are also an issue to me because I'm just new here , aint got no one to ask for as character reference. My work overseas and in the Philippines seem not being noticed or credited as employers want job experience in the UK. But, what I've learned from it is rejection can be harsh but it thickens your skins and gives you strong backbones. Never stop dreaming, my friend. We'll soon find a good job.
    Your hubby must have some fiends who can act as charcter refrences and if they have to of known you for so long im sure the good ladies on here will say they have know you both here in phill and uk.

  8. #8
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Your hubby must have some fiends who can act as charcter refrences and if they have to of known you for so long im sure the good ladies on here will say they have know you both here in phill and uk.
    Thanks AndyPaul. I've been reading all your post too and find them very helpful and informative. Thanks for everything. This site is worth a visit. It can make you make you and make you . It's all in one. Keep up the good works everyone.
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    Thanks AndyPaul. I've been reading all your post too and find them very helpful and informative. Thanks for everything. This site is worth a visit. It can make you make you and make you . It's all in one. Keep up the good works everyone.
    I blame Mr Admin its his fault

    No Probs just trying to return the help, advice and support i recieved from this site in the past.

  10. #10
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    I am already 6 months in uk and now am ready looking for a job.I had made a calls yesterday morning for a job inquiries but no luck and now am off for our local job centre.When I was making a call yesterday they were asking me what am i doing for my six months here in uk,when I told them nothing much really just visiting different places and they are also asking for some experience how could people have some experience if no one would hire them for a job to experiencei told them for my previous experience abroad and ask me to give them my number and call me back am not expecting for a return call.There`s plenty of jobs but the problem is its quite far from where we live,i just want to walk a few distance from where we areso that I could just walk everyday but anyway lets see whatever happens.wish me luck guys!
    goodluck wheela!!!!!

  11. #11
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    thanks for an inspiring words of encouraging guys!I tried my best of not feeling disappointed of rejections from the job am applying.I thought its much easier to find for a job here than in PI but i was completely wrong.Its completely the same.I dunno if I continue hunting for a job as for this moment coz hubby plan to go to caravan for the last time this year.He really doesnt want me to work though,but i want to have my own moneyand aside from that to keep me busy aside from browsing the internet,cross stitching and doing household chores.I want to make friends as wellbut hubby get use of my company and wanting us to stick each other every minute every hours of the day....I hope to find one soon before winter comes
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  12. #12
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Nabuking ako ngalan dah!wala nako hidden identity anyway thanks t Virgina Kelly
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  13. #13
    Respected Member Chrisirene's Avatar
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    wala jud gi alang-alang ug dako ug sulat sa name,

  14. #14
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    lagi pastilanok ra nah oi T virginia
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  15. #15
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    lagi pastilanok ra nah oi T virginia
    Mrs Daddy!!! Goodluck for your job hunting, I am doing the same thing too, I printed a few copy of my cv and I am sending it to all job agency I will just have to wait for their replies and sit here. I did some research last night about adult learning schools I found two near where I live and there are a lot of courses that you can do while waiting for a better job. I might take the GSCE A level just to improve my english it is an evening classes once a week for 30 weeks. I think it might help me also to find a better a job if I can add at least one English skills in my CV, maybe...There are some interesting courses which really might help, like book keeping etc.. So if you guys are interested to learn something look for adult learning in your city-town

    Cheerup Mrs Daddy!!!

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  16. #16
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Mrs Daddy!!! Goodluck for your job hunting, I am doing the same thing too, I printed a few copy of my cv and I am sending it to all job agency I will just have to wait for their replies and sit here. I did some research last night about adult learning schools I found two near where I live and there are a lot of courses that you can do while waiting for a better job. I might take the GSCE A level just to improve my english it is an evening classes once a week for 30 weeks. I think it might help me also to find a better a job if I can add at least one English skills in my CV, maybe...There are some interesting courses which really might help, like book keeping etc.. So if you guys are interested to learn something look for adult learning in your city-town

    Cheerup Mrs Daddy!!!
    Good ideas regarding taking courses but just be aware of how much you may have to pay. As a non eu person you will pay more untill you have ilr. The rules changed in october 2005 and colleges now have to get proof that a person is eligible.

    Good luck with the Alevel

  17. #17
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Thanks pea!not take you long time to find for a job I mean I am about six months in here before starting finding for a job but look at you for just a week and a half your so active now!goodluck to both of us...
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  18. #18
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    Updated Senior Care Workers guidance
    13 August 2007

    This notice is to inform customers of the updated Senior Care Workers occupational guidance for use by Border and Immigration Agency caseworkers, including transitional measures for Senior Care Worker extension applications.

    Customers should be aware that this guidance will be used from 13 August 2007 when processing all work permit applications for Senior Care Worker positions.

    This updated guidance has been drawn up following extensive research and consultation with the Department of Health and other key sector stakeholders.

    Customers are advised that this research and consultation has shown that Senior Care Worker positions which meet the work permit skills criteria are extremely rare. All first or change of employment work permit applications for Senior Care Workers must be supported by a robust business case to justify the qualifications and/or experience requested.

    The Government expects employers to recruit and open up career opportunities for Care Workers within the resident UK or wider EEA labour market to fill vacancies below the level of the work permit skills criteria.

    As a transitional measure, to ensure continuity of care provision whilst the sector adapts its recruitment practices, the work permit skills criteria will be waived for in-country extension applications for Senior Care Workers considered after 13 August 2007. All other criteria will continue to apply.

    Customers should note that for in-country extensions to be approved all elements of the post must be unchanged, with the exception of the salary being offered. The salary must now meet the new minimum rate of £7.02 per hour.

    Customers who have had previous in-country extension applications refused will not have their cases reopened but should apply again enclosing the correct fee. If the extension application was refused within the past 28 days, customers may apply for a review of the decision, which will be considered in line with the new transitional measures.

    Do you think the employers will be happy with these new guidelines?? A few friend of mine been working as a senior carer now for 4 years they only get 75 pence increase since then from £5/hour...its a good news for them if their employers agreed with it

  19. #19
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flomike View Post

    Do you think the employers will be happy with these new guidelines?? A few friend of mine been working as a senior carer now for 4 years they only get 75 pence increase since then from £5/hour...its a good news for them if their employers agreed with it

    Like others have said in this thread and others, it is going to depend on the employer greatly. As a 1.27 or so pay increase an hour will cost them more in employer ni and tax contributions as well as the 1.27 an hour

    on a forty hour week say thats 50.80 a week or 203.20 a month if they have 4 workers who needs this raise thats 812.80 a month or 9753.60 a year they would have to pay which is a lot for most care homes to asorb with out increasing charges to customers. Plus costs of processing the visas.

    Hopefuly things work out well for the careworkers from phill but things seem stacked agasint them

  20. #20
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    No, of course employers won't be happy. But don't you think that this is a measure to reduce the number of immigrant workers? It strikes me that the rate is being raised to a level where more brits (or even other Europeans) will be more inclined to accept the work.

  21. #21
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    To all whose looking for a job here, don't'll get there.
    Once you got a job you feel excited for the first few weeks, til you get fed up..LOL

    Goodluck guys
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post
    Once you got a job you feel excited for the first few weeks, til you get fed up..LOL
    Take prostitutes as an example .......excited when they start...but after a few days they just laze around on there backs
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Take prostitutes as an example .......excited when they start...but after a few days they just laze around on there backs

    How did you know Keith? Have experienced?
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  24. #24
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post
    How did you know Keith? Have experienced?
    On my back or paying?
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #25
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Mrs daddy if Money is not a major issue at first and you need some basic experience in the UK why not try the local Charity shops and other volutnary work. You will meet people ok maybe not get paid but will get vauable experience. Your hours also can be fairly flexible normally so you can see mr daddy loads

  26. #26
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Mrs daddy if Money is not a major issue at first and you need some basic experience in the UK why not try the local Charity shops and other volutnary work. You will meet people ok maybe not get paid but will get vauable experience. Your hours also can be fairly flexible normally so you can see mr daddy loads
    Thanks AndyPaulI have thought of that before working in a charity shop as my friend work there as well and I`ll see if cant find job i`ll apply in charity shop.thanks loads!Cheers
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  27. #27
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    Thanks AndyPaulI have thought of that before working in a charity shop as my friend work there as well and I`ll see if cant find job i`ll apply in charity shop.thanks loads!Cheers

    Only a suggestion, but might be worth offering to work in there now.

    Employers like people who have had somebody already take a risk on them.

    You show that you are willing to work, employers biggest fear is you might be lazy or bad in timekeeping. Belive it or not some people just apply for jobs so they can apply for NI number or because they have to for benefit reasons.

    Most charity shops are greatful of the help and understand people will be working in there and if they get offered a paying job may need to move on.

    My Wife briefly worked in a charity shop and they offered help on her cv, interview technique, gave invaulbe help in till training, cashing up, setting up window displays, handling british sterling (very useful as need to get used to various notes and coins avaiable in the Uk and detect forgeries) helping stocktake and dealing with customers etc.

    My Wife has a job in retail still others may fancy taking other routes or have a differnt set of skills.

    But one thing helping at a local charity will help with as my wife also found was she was speaking to people with various english accents which as we all know is half the battle with learning any language.

    All skills needed into the real world and while learning your helping a charity

    She also met people from the local area not all were going to come her greatest buddies but gave her a invaulabe insight into the local area she had just moved into.

    If i was employer and had the choice of a person who spent all day just handing out cvs or one who did that and was also learning new skills and experiences i know who i would pick.

    Sorry Mr admin for all the posts got carried away

  28. #28
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I think care homes are capped by how much they can increase what they charge each year , i pay a 'top up' fee to my local council not direct to the care home for my moms residential place.

    and there are about 8 carers who work there, and 2 are pinoys but they all work long hours, so any increase is , as long as i don't have to pay

  29. #29
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    I think care homes are capped by how much they can increase what they charge each year , i pay a 'top up' fee to my local council not direct to the care home for my moms residential place.

    and there are about 8 carers who work there, and 2 are pinoys but they all work long hours, so any increase is , as long as i don't have to pay
    So unlikely for the carehome (a lot are privately owned and aiming to make a profit) to want to asorb the cost themselves. The councill will not be intrested as not enough of those cared for are ethnic minorities, ayslum seekers etc.

    Remeber the non eu staff may also be say from african countries and india. We have two residental centres a street away from us and i see the 15-20 plus staff on each shift 50% who could possibly be non eu as well as phill so it may not just be the phill workers that the increase will cover.

  30. #30
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Novel way of increasing your post count andypaul
    Keith - Administrator

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