Originally Posted by
Marco, firstly let me also join others in saying how sorry I feel for Mary Grace.
She must have been really really upset and beside herself.
I'd like to share my experience from both side of the coin. It may or may not help.
I too have been attacked a bitten by a dog. It was quite a bad bite. I was a very young teenager at the time but not too ashamed to admit that the episode really scared me and I lost all confidence and trust around dogs. The owners didn't really accept responsibility and this did cause a rift in the relationship with my whole family which looking back caused more upset for years that the actually attack.
Strangely enough we'd always had a dog and in many ways it seemed natural for me to be around dogs, I did lose trust in our beloved but never let on, although I'm pretty sure my parents could see it.
I tended to avoid dogs for years.
Eventually we (I) got another dog. It was a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.
Quite a large dog.
He proved to be quite an easily excitable dog.
Now, we just don't know whatever it was that caused the dog to bite your wife. But to be honest, given that the dog knew Mary Grace, and was accustomed to her, something went terribly wrong.
Many dogs who tend to be excitable may sometimes 'nip'. A dog is a dog and needs to be trained and knows who is master.
Anyway, my dog bit a neighbours child on the head. It was excitability, I know that. It wasn't a serious wound, but it could have been an eye or anything.
In all honesty I had no choice in what I had to do.
I knew first hand the impact of such a thing, even in the wider scope.
I was actually very very close to that dog. I can tell you I shed tears for weeks and missed that guy so much.
I have no misgivings about the decision I took, but that was a decision I took immediately without consulatation to anyone.
In your case, if the owner has any intention about the dog, he would have decided and acted already.
I do not think there will be any change.
In which case I would certainly agree that Mary Grace should not return.
It would be very challenging for her to regain a 'master' position with the dog.
She would need to resign.
In that specific case you may want to consider a case against the owner in clear conscience, and for compensation of loss of earnings, expenses and damages.
Just my opinion on how I feel about it.