Right Lordna let's take this in order

I will try not to get to personal as I've nothing against you personally but I find you incredibly naive

Ok regarding Big Issue seller who made all that money do you really think he paid out anywhere near what he earned?
The big issue sellers pay for the magazines can't remember how much but say it was 60p and sold for a £1 he makes 40p at time-but remember most people especially the little old dears give him a pound and don't take the mag!
I bet he declares that to his big issue supplier and the taxman (not)
I heard one big issue seller swearing at someone as he declined to buy the rubbish,at the least some are sarcastic if you refuse.
The whole big issue thing is a waste of time-what would happen if we all decided to give up our "proper jobs" and sell it?
What would the country produce-who would make goods,put out fires,save lives if we all did that.
Our roads are knackered,always rubbish to clear up,maybe form groups to ensure children walk safely to school-i'm sure grateful parents would happily pay a £1 for not having to get the car out every morning-plus it benifits the rest of us.
I will never ever accept the big issue is anything more than a cop out,sat on a bloody stool eating a Marks and Spencer sandwich then getting a taxi home -unbelivable

Right on to Les the lazy Taxi driver

Ok here are a few figures for you to come and join me in my lazy dream filled day.
Ok lets start with a decent car-couple of years old form mondeo approx £9000 plus kitted out to be a taxi another £500
Now move on to taxi plate I have approx £11,000 at todays rates
Ok now the cost of becoming a shareholder where I am now £18,500
Right lets add on fuel per year plus repairs,crb checks,local council licencing etc etc say another£10,000
Oh nearly forgot my rent to operate within the office £8,000
Right thats most of my costs now Lordna do you think I can potter round all day picking up an odd fare and cover all my costs and make an operating profit and pay my tax?
Luckily i work hard sit maybe 5 mins between jobs-sometimes not sit at all as we are the top local company.
i work probably 6 days a week often 10 hours per day sometimes more.
I have to contend with drunks,threats of violence,idiots,carrying little old lady's shoppin up 3 flights of stairs,people not being there when i have driven 5 miles,runners,pukers,drunk women unable to stand,blokes wanting to have a go,(even had gun in car brandished about)
Much easier life than a Big Issue seller as you can see

No car to day it was my compliance test and mot and a warning light came on due to faulty a.b.s sensor so no earnings today and probably not til late tmrw