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Thread: Cat c cars for sale

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  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Cat c cars for sale

    Would you buy one, and what does it mean, i have been looking around and yes just looking i say, and you come across cat c, fully repaired and its a good few hundred pounds cheaper even thousand+ cheaper, after trying to read what it means it comes across as not repairable with the cost of labour not that the car is a total wreak, the only reason i may be looking at a car is , smaller and cheaper to run and it will last me to it falls apart so i will not be selling it on, also if its fully repair you still should be ok for insurance too, anyway whats your thought

  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Think they are cars that have been written off Steve!

  3. #3
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    Google is your friend:

    I would not buy a damage repaired car without seeing pictures of the damage. Also remember some categories of damage mean the car is not as easily insurable, and for sure it will be much harder to sell.

  4. #4
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    My understanding Steve is that a Cat C car is a car that has previously been written off by an insurance company as being un economical to repair. Somebody then buys the salvage and repairs it.
    Before buying one of these I would want the vehicle inspected to establish that the repairs had been carried out to the right standard and secondly a vehicle ID check because depending on what circumstances you are buying, you could be buying a stolen vehicle that has simply had it's ID changed.
    Good luck.

  5. #5
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    Cat C means it has had serious damage (and written off).

    The difference in cost between a perfectly good and honest s/hand small car and a Cat C one could be peanuts if you buy well, so IMO....not worth the bother.

    Cat Ds can be ok, depending upon model, as insurance will often write them off even though only minor non-structural damage has been done (locks, cosmetics, etc) if the car is a few years old.

    On the other hand I bought my boy's lovely condition 2 owner low-mileage 2002 Punto for 500 quid....straight car, so hardly worth the bother of risking a previously written-off one.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    I've bought several over the years and know others who have done the same.

    Actually the van I'm driving now is cat C. It's on a 09 plate and I've been using it for a couple of years nearly doing 100k since it was purchased at around 25k on the clock. All that's been replaced is the battery and the damage to the van was very minimal. Dents, scratches, wing mirror etc.

    I would only buy a cat C that hasn't been repaired so I could see the damage for myself and I wouldn't pay over the odds either. No more than 50% of book price including an estimation for repairs.

    And cars do get written off for the daftest things like a broken headlight by the way

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    thanks gang, not buying anything till mine gives up the ghost, but no harm in looking

  8. #8
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    I've used these in the past but I check out the vehicle in the yard in Darlaston before bidding.

  9. #9
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    I heard a dodgy ethnic character shouting away on his mobile in a SubWay the other day at his insurance co to declare the car a Cat C then bragging to his mates about it

  10. #10
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Cars get easily written off nowadays, as any repairs, they always quote for brand new genuine parts and the repairs quotes are always expensive too. Cars have been written off just because of some scratches or a dented door etc! So you could easily buy one and get it sorted yourself for cheaper (or if your own car was written off you could do the same) by getting good 2nd hand parts, then sourcing your own car repairers/sprayers etc. I did this with my old Polo. I know someone that got a dented on on his newish car, and as it would mess up his insurance, he ordered a new door from the main dealers, then had to get it sprayed and fitted. Think it cost over £750 for the door and over £1000 total! Seems crazy to me as he could have easily bought a 2nd hand door (and as that model car wasn't that old, it would be quite new) from a breakers possibly in the same colour if you could find one or if not, then get that sprayed to the same colour as the car. It would have worked out a fraction of what he paid!

    Any car that has been written off has to get a VIC check to check that it is road worthy after the repairs.

  11. #11
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    it depends entirely on why it was written off and who did repair if any,, i know of a very good car that was written off because of flood damage,,, car was dried out and has done 60k miles in the last 4 years,, excellent car

  12. #12
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    Just to bear in mind that Cat C cars are a nightmare to insure.

    I was going to buy a cat C peugeot 206cc that had its VIC check and new MOT and was great.

    All major insurance companies I tried said no and the ones that did wanted an engineers report and a copy of the VIC check before they would insure it.

  13. #13
    Trusted Member
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    Good point.

    Apart from a long trip to the Phils I intend to buy one like this later this year...but NOT a cat C.

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