I looked at the list for maybe 2 seconds,its well out of date mate,one of the places I just looked at is bankrupt,went out of business 4 maybe 5 years ago?Another place your going to get no sleep,tricycles and mo-bikes going past your window 5 metres away,and the son of the place is reputed to spy on guests getting jiggy-with-it

the same place last time I passed has maybe closed down however as it was filled with rails of ukay-ukay

I have stayed in 8-10 different resorts on the island,kiwi-dive,coco-grove,Paradise etc have stood the test of time dondeezco has been open for aeons and has some great cottages facing the sea,looking at that list reminds me when I first went and there were 6 or 7 places to stay on the whole island