Thailand on the whole is very safe........if you are careful in big cities like Bangkok for obvious reasons (It's a big city the same as anywhere). Also if you realise that in the resort areas, the local men often actually hate foreigners, and Thai men often have hairtrigger tempers, there is the cultural thing there of using smiling to disarm arguments, which can throw visitors not realising something bad is about to kick off big time.

Put it this way, if you lived in a town here where extremely rich very different looking men came for holidays in huge numbers, spent more on one round of drinks than you earned in a month, and waved huge wads of cash attracting the local town ladies into prostitution to these men.....often your girlfriends, they had attitudes which offended your cultural sensibilites, and referred to your local women, friends, partners as "LWFM's" (I can't spell this out on here, it's a version of what many visitors call the local Thai women and it frankly annoys me to hell)........would YOU like these visitors?

Do think on that when visiting Thailand and be very careful.

Safe it may be, there is one small holiday island, Koh Samui where there seems to be an acute violence problem, where local men have taken it on themselves to almost declare war on society and visitors. A Google will put many off from going there. Having said that, it seems to be a "must not say", but Rhodes in the med is exactly the same, it's plain bloody unsafe - or was.

And let's not get started on the number of men who seem to accidentally fall off balconies in Thailand. I spent time there, got to know many people, know exactly why this happens, it seems to be another "must not say"

Sorry if I'm ranting, it's just something that annoys and upsets me so much, I saw a very unsavoury reality over there