Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
Well, to me it doesn't look good.

It needs a couple of readings but OK this is what I found so far:-

Here are the Immigration Directorate Instructions

And here's a link to the Immigration Rules (paragraphs 297-300)

They do actually say the same.

To me, on a simple basis, it's a decision between Part 1 and Part 2 (don't want to get into the 'Compelling case' just yet)

The circumstances described (one parent settled and one parent limited leave) appear to more closely match Part 2 means Financial Requirement.

Can others please review and provide comment on their understanding?
Sometimes the more you read it the more confusing it gets

I still believe FM applies and still suggest you discuss further with that case worker.
oopppss, i didnt scrool down, the info was posted already...thanks Terpe..