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Thread: Bank deposit dillema

  1. #1
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Bank deposit dillema

    Good day Everyone!

    I am seeking an advice regarding my dillema. In two weeks time I will lodge my application for visit visa.

    I will submit a 3months bank statement (is it enough)? Last November I deposited 1000usd and on December 800 usd. My salary is just 550usd.

    Will it be conflicting as what I deposited on my account is bigger than the salary I got every month? The 1000 usd is my 2months salary I kept and sent thru western union and my sister is the one who deposit in my account since i cant deposit here the money. The 800 usd is from my salary and some saved gratuities I earned combined..Also sent thru western union.

    I am afraid the ECO will look for it as I read stories that the visa was refused due to the fact that ECO dont believed they have these money available. I have collected my 6 months payslip.

    Any advice regarding on my issue Mam/Sir?

    Mr. Terpe I need your expertise again. Pleaseee

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Thanks everyone. Im so nervous as I am running out of time.

  2. #2
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Still not losing hope and looking forward somebody might help me regarding my inquiry.

    Thanks everyone.

  3. #3
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    Hi iamiyah,

    You've been a member here long enough to know that securing a UK visit visa can be problematic for many reasons.
    Not least because approval or refusal is principally based on the discretion of the ECO's and the impression they form of the complete application

    Concerning money, there is no set or recommended amount that you need to have.
    People's requirements and circumstances vary significantly. The ECO will be wanting to be sure that you have evidence of savings/funds available to you during your stay, and that it's sufficient to maintain and accommodate yourself in the UK

    No-one can tell you just how the ECO will view your application.The ECO is primarily interested in seeing that savings/funding are actually available for you to use If it's a well presented application the ECO will see the funding and accept it at face value.
    Personally I would suggest 6 months payslips and bank statments.

    The major issue is the need to show a non-immigrant intent. You really must convince the ECO that you do not intend to remain in the UK on a permanent basis. Immigration law places this burden of proof on the applicant.
    The ECO must be satisfied that 'on the balance of probability' you have strong social, economic and family ties abroad that would compel you to leave the UK before visa expiry.

    Here's some of the other evidence you'll need:-
    - if you are employed, a letter from your employer granting leave of absence from your job for a specified period - the letter should also say how long you have been employed by that employer, in what job(s), and when you are expected back at work
    - evidence of any property you own in your home country
    - if you are a student, a letter from your school or college stating the course you are on, its start and finish dates, and the dates of the holiday period when you intend to visit the United Kingdom
    - evidence of strong ties / responsibilities to return home to
    - evidence of any firm travel plans you have made

    Hope this helps in building up your confidence

  4. #4
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Hello Mr. Terpe thanks for your kindest reply on my inquiry and for all the advice.

    I went to the HSBC here today to get a bank certificate for my account just found out that they are not allowed to do so as I opened an international account from the Philippines

    I asked them even if it oks to just print out my internet banking statement with the letter head of the company as what I read from some of the forums but they said again its not allowed.

    I am not well informed regarding on this matter. huhu soon I will lodge my application and this issue is halting me

    My question is can I just submit a screen shot copy of my HSBC account from the internet banking? as I know for sure they will not honor if I just directly print it

    I already contacted the manager in HSBC in Manila if I can just send a scanned copy of my authorization letter but she told me that only original letter that they accept. I felt so terrible and hopeless at the moment. It costs a bucks of money to send a letter thru DHL from here to Philippines and back and front.

    Kindly please advise me Sir what should I do now? Or any ways to sort these out.

    I would greatly appreciate your kindest help sir and im sorry for all the hassle Salamat po

  5. #5
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    Hopefully someone from Philippines with experience will be along to advise.

    It's hard to imagine that you (the customer) is having such difficulty in obtaining bank statements.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if your wages slips don't match the deposits to your account your better explain clearly why they do not and with evidence or your chances of refusal could increase.

    i know someone who was refused a visa because they didn't match, they got a bonus which was not shown on their wage slip.

  7. #7
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Thank you Sir Joe and sir Terpe for your kindest reply.

    Th situation goin on now with me is stressing me I am trying my best to research and gather those needed documents before I lodge my application and sadly I am running out of time as I have an annual leave deadline

    Regarding on the deposit I made. Is it much better mr. joe to state that the 100o usd I deposited is from the salary I have for two months that I keep and the 800 usd I deposited next is from my another salary and some gratuities. The only problem is how can I prove its from gratuities. Do I need to present a letter from my manager stating about our gratuities in a month?

    Im very confused huhu! All I want is to spend some time with him but the application is very hard to make

    Do you know anyone who submitted just an internet banking statement that is directly printed?

    I am seeking for your kindest advice sir.

  8. #8
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Sorry, some of what you say does not make sense to me and my husband. Where exactly are you located? It appears you are not in the Philippines?

    Also, surely the branch of the bank where you opened the account can give you all the proof you need for that account? Why do you have an 'International' account? What is it exactly? Is your salary paid into this account? Do you have someone in England who you are visiting and is sending you money? If so then be careful because the ECO may decide you will stay with and not return home.

    Note: A plain Internet Bank statement will NOT be accepted (could be forged). It needs stamping by the bank.
    Don't just try, DO IT!

  9. #9
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vernier caliper View Post
    Sorry, some of what you say does not make sense to me and my husband. Where exactly are you located? It appears you are not in the Philippines?

    Also, surely the branch of the bank where you opened the account can give you all the proof you need for that account? Why do you have an 'International' account? What is it exactly? Is your salary paid into this account? Do you have someone in England who you are visiting and is sending you money? If so then be careful because the ECO may decide you will stay with and not return home.

    Note: A plain Internet Bank statement will NOT be accepted (could be forged). It needs stamping by the bank.

    Im glad to see a reply post.I been waiting for people to response on my inquiry in order to enlightened me in this situatio

    Here it goes Mam/Sir

    * Also, surely the branch of the bank where you opened the account can give you all the proof you need for that account?

    I opened a bank account in HSBC last April 2012 in the Philippines during my vacay. Its a dollar account I opened. I contacted the manager there and told me that they need an original authorization letter to have my bank crtificate and bank statements. :( So i will be forced to send it thru DHL that will costs me a bucks of money jsut to sort out these problem.

    *Why do you have an 'International' account? What is it exactly? Is your salary paid into this account?

    I actually not sure if its called as an international account, Its my first time open an account so not much informed in there.All i know is its dollar account. I just opened it to save my money there. I dont want to risk opening an account here in Egypt due to instability of situation.
    I got my salary in cash every month and I kept it in hand for several months. Only last month I found out when I tried to deposit my savings in HSBC here that I am not allowed to deposit money in my account unless I have a local HSBC account and by then I can transfer money thru swift code.[/B]

    *Do you have someone in England who you are visiting and is sending you money?I am here at Cairo Egypt at the moment working in a hotel. I just renewed again for a two years contract last month. I am goin to visit my bf and he will sponsor me. I guess he has all the docs needed but on my part is the problem :(

    If so then be careful because the ECO may decide you will stay with and not return home.

    We dont want to lie in our application as we are in a relationship. Do we have to state that? As the Eco might use the romantic linked between us to refused the visa. We knew each other for more than a year now. He visited me here twice in Egypt last Jan 2012 and this October 2012. I dont have any intention to stay in UK i am happy with my career here in Egypt.

    I am looking for your kindest response and your husband. I am doin my best to research as I dont want to stress my bf regarding on these application. :( I just want to spend 2 weeks of time with him then 2 weeks back in Philippines during my annual vacay this Feb.

    Salamat po

  10. #10
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if your wages slips don't match the deposits to your account your better explain clearly why they do not and with evidence or your chances of refusal could increase.

    i know someone who was refused a visa because they didn't match, they got a bonus which was not shown on their wage slip.

    Hello Sir Joebloggs

    Just found that link while I am trying my best to do research on my situation esp my bank account issue A reason of refusal as well which is related to my case.

    I think its best to explain in my cover letter the discrepancy of my deposits previously. Sigh my brain cells are all being burned now!hahaha

    I will attached the western union receipt I sent for those deposits and my authorization letter to my sister to deposit it in my account in Philippines.

    I will also try if I can get a letter from my manager stating that I received sum of money from the tips collected and gratuities every month that was not stated in my salary. Not sure if necessary but just in case the ECO will ask where I get my extra money excluding my net salary.

    I am still not losing hope. I will do the best that I can to see him again even it means countless sleepless nights of researching.

    Salamat po everyone.

  11. #11
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    I worked in Dubai for the last 6 years and in 2009 companies in the UAE were forced by the Central Bank to pay employees' salary through bank transfers only. I think Cairo has different arrangement or it is your desire to receive your salary in cash? Are you receiving a payslip every month? Since you only have 3 months bank statements (which I assume are all original) I suggest to postpone your application until mid 2013. Also, you'll be Philippines in February - right chance to speak personally with your HSBC Branch. It's a waste of money and time if your application is rejected. Likewise, on your next application it will be highlighted.

    Better if you will open an account in Cairo at least for salary transfer. This will provide good evidence to compare with your payslip.

    Best of luck Iyah.

  12. #12
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Thanks Mr and Mrs Vernier for your kindest help regarding my inquiry once again.

    Are you receiving a payslip every month?
    Yes i have it every month. The 6months will be the one I will submit.

    I think Cairo has different arrangement or it is your desire to receive your salary in cash?

    The company gave all the salary for the expats in hand every month. I cant open my account yet here in Egypt as it needs to have round about 3k usd maintenance balance which I cant afford atm bcoz all my money was deposited in the account i opened in Philippines.

    I suggest to postpone your application until mid 2013.
    I wish to visit him these February as I am only entitled a 30 days vacation once a year and that will be on Feb. Basically I am planning to spend two weeks in London and two weeks in Manila after as I am entitled for a ticket from Cairo/manila/Cairo and dont want to go it in waste.

    Since you only have 3 months bank statements (which I assume are all original)

    I still dont have the bank statements as I told earlier the HSBC Egypt wouldn't give me that as only from the Phil I can get it. I decided to just send the authorization letter to my family thru DHL even though its a pain in the pocket but that's the least that I can do in order to get those bank certificate and statement, As bank statements thru online is not acceptable.

    This application is already eating my brain!!! arggghh.. But as they said when you love someone you will do everything to be with him and mae him happy. I am not giving up.

    Salamat po for all the help

    My only concern now is how to explain the discrepancy of deposits I had last month and how will I explain properly that I cant deposit my money in HSBC Egypt thats why I have to send it to my family back home to deposit in my be half. Pleaseee advise me.

  13. #13
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Since you opened your account in April 2012, you should have at least 8 months bank statement to date. On your authorization letter kindly request HSBC to provide bank statement from June 2012 -To Date to cover the 6 months required by UKBA. I think there is no transaction from June-Oct on your account but it is still important to reflect this. It would be a one page statement only so ensure that it is stamped and signed by HSBC Representative. HSBC header or stationary is not enough.

    In regards to your account, explain how you acquired the money and how it has been deposited. Always remember, honesty is the best policy.


    Trefor and Rose

  14. #14
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Trefor & Rose ...

    ... thank you so much for the valuable help you've given to Iyah.

    Tbh ... I'd never dealt with a case like this one before, and had to concede defeat!

  15. #15
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Hi Arthur.

    Iyah is in a very unique situation, and we think honesty is the best route to take. But Iyah needs to explain clearly why she has no Egyptian bank statements. We think it is clear that the ECO will still view her application with interest since her sponsor is her British boyfriend. What are their long-term plans? One would expect them to be looking to live together in the near future. Iyah needs to provide good documents to convince the ECO that she will leave the UK.

  16. #16
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vernier caliper View Post
    Since you opened your account in April 2012, you should have at least 8 months bank statement to date. On your authorization letter kindly request HSBC to provide bank statement from June 2012 -To Date to cover the 6 months required by UKBA. I think there is no transaction from June-Oct on your account but it is still important to reflect this. It would be a one page statement only so ensure that it is stamped and signed by HSBC Representative. HSBC header or stationary is not enough.

    In regards to your account, explain how you acquired the money and how it has been deposited. Always remember, honesty is the best policy.


    Trefor and Rose
    Thank you so much Sir Trefor and MS Rose for all the help and advice that you are giving me in these situation I am facing now I am always looking forward for someone to reply in these dilema i have.

    I think there is no transaction from June-Oct on your account but it is still important to reflect this.

    Yes sir as I saved my salary on hand as I just planned to deposit it when I go vacation these FEb since western union cost me a big charge. Only on Nov, Dec and these Jan i deposit money. I realize I shouldnt deposit those sum money in just one transactions. I made mistake thinking showing money will help me to prove I can accommodate myself for two weeks but thru research I found out the discrepancy will be a problem and questionable.

    In regards to your account, explain how you acquired the money and how it has been deposited. Always remember, honesty is the best policy.

    I dont want to lie sir. I will explain that the 1000 usd i deposited on Nov is from my 2months salary from Aug and September.
    The 800 usd is from the 1000 usd I sent also but was missing of 200 since i give money to my family for Christmas to spend.
    I am planning to back up these with my Western Union receipt and payslips plus the deposit slips my sister made in the Philippines.

    You need to explain clearly why she has no Egyptian bank statements.

    Can I just mention that due to instability of country I dont want to risk my small hard earned money and decided just to send it thru Western union and let my mom deposit it in my behalf for security?

    Iyah needs to provide good documents to convince the ECO that she will leave the UK.

    The only reason I have is a job here in Cairo i got another contract for 2yrs and raised on my salary and new position at work
    I am entitled for an annual vacay that gave me an entitlement ticket to visit my family once a year. Plus my family had already made plans to be in Boracay

    We think it is clear that the ECO will still view her application with interest since her sponsor is her British boyfriend. What are their long-term plans?

    We really dont have any long term plans yet as we are focused in our career. My bf is working as a trader in a large bank in London. I assume he is qualified to sponsor me.

    I am just 24 years old. Will my age be a hindrance?

    This situation is making me stress Sometimes I cried at night thinking of these problems and the hardship just to see my bf even just for 2 weeks.

    I dont want to lose hope but I am running out of time and the worst part is my bf is running out of patience as well which i understand

    Please kindly advise me mam sir what can I do? Im sorry for all the hassle and lengthy of msg. I am just trying to rationalize things. My heartfelt thanks for everyone who has been helping me.

    Salamat po.

  17. #17
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Hello Iyah and thanks for your message. Reading through the thread I think you have had some very good advice from Terpe, Joe, Vernier et al and you should take this on board. As you have been advised you have to satisfy the ECO of your intention to return and I really feel that a letter from your employer outlining your entitlement to leave the fact that they are paying for your ticket and your expected date of return would do a lot to satisfy the ECO that you have good intentions. Time now for you to get everything together and submit your application and please God you will get a positive result.

    My bf is working as a trader in a large bank in London. I assume he is qualified to sponsor me.

    I dont want to lose hope but I am running out of time and the worst part is my bf is running out of patience as well which i understand

    I must say that these 2 parts of your post did concern me a little bit. Your Boyfriend is working as a Trader in a large bank in London. This would indicate that he's in a rather well paid job Iyah and would it not be possible for him to visit you. There's no doubting your commitment to this relationship working but is he putting in any effort.
    You seem to be putting a lot of effort into trying to come here and visit and yet you tell us that he is running out of patience. Be very careful Iyah because he should not be running out of patience with somebody who is trying as hard as you to visit him.
    Is he paying for your ticket to London ?

    I really hope that everything works out for you but please tread carefully.
    I wish you well.

  18. #18
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Hello Iyah and thanks for your message. Reading through the thread I think you have had some very good advice from Terpe, Joe, Vernier et al and you should take this on board. As you have been advised you have to satisfy the ECO of your intention to return and I really feel that a letter from your employer outlining your entitlement to leave the fact that they are paying for your ticket and your expected date of return would do a lot to satisfy the ECO that you have good intentions. Time now for you to get everything together and submit your application and please God you will get a positive result.

    I must say that these 2 parts of your post did concern me a little bit. Your Boyfriend is working as a Trader in a large bank in London. This would indicate that he's in a rather well paid job Iyah and would it not be possible for him to visit you. There's no doubting your commitment to this relationship working but is he putting in any effort.
    You seem to be putting a lot of effort into trying to come here and visit and yet you tell us that he is running out of patience. Be very careful Iyah because he should not be running out of patience with somebody who is trying as hard as you to visit him.
    Is he paying for your ticket to London ?

    I really hope that everything works out for you but please tread carefully.
    I wish you well.
    Thank You very much Mr. Marco. you dont know how much your reply means to me.

    Your Boyfriend is working as a Trader in a large bank in London. This would indicate that he's in a rather well paid job Iyah and would it not be possible for him to visit you.

    He is working in a stock exchange Sir. He visited me twice here as I am working in a hotel here in Egypt. He came here last Jan 2012 and this Oct 2012. Bcoz of the holidays he took last Christmas he will not be able to request for a vacation again as he already consumed it last Dec to visit his family. But I do understand as family is important.

    I am only be allowed for my annual vacay from FEB- MARCH.

    There's no doubting your commitment to this relationship working but is he putting in any effort.

    With the nature of his job, I dont want to stress him anymore so I do my best trying to research as best as I can. I almost read already all the thread posted here about visit visa to gather information.

    TBH with you sir, reading those post in here. I felt a bit of jealousy as I know how hard those bf/husbands ask help and advice just to be with their loved ones. They have the same aim. As for me, I am not complaining as its my decision to do all the paperworks. But its been tough

    Is he paying for your ticket to London

    Yeap he will be paying my ticket as I know even i insist he will not accept it.

    You seem to be putting a lot of effort into trying to come here and visit and yet you tell us that he is running out of patience.

    I do understand that he is struggling with the distance. Thats why I am doin the best that I can to make him happy and try our luck to see him in London even for two weeks.

    I gave up being home for Christmas just to be with him. I just hope all will be worthy at the end Sir.

    I am thankful for Mr. Terpe, Sir Joe, Mr.Trefor and rose and to you Sir Marco

    I hope I will be enlightened regarding my dillema in bank statement. Sorry for bursting my emotions in here and lengthy of messages this might be the result of sleepless night of rationalizing things and of course stress!hahah

    Salamat po If you have any advice to help me on my application, I would be very indebted.

    Godbless po


  19. #19
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    How will I explain to ECO why I dont have HSBC bank account here in Egypt.?

    Is it much better if I open an account here this month and let the company send my salary for Jan in there? But my application will be on Feb basically I only have one month for that account? sigh

  20. #20
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    I'm confused
    Just read your post from May this year and you said that you had broken up?

  21. #21
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Then you got back together in October?

  22. #22
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    Then you got back together in October?
    ... it's a different bloke, Jake. I think.

  23. #23
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Iyah ...

    ... I wasn't able to help in this instance, but delighted to notice you've attained 'Respected Membership' status. That's very well done ... Congratulations!

  24. #24
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    Then you got back together in October?
    Hello Mr. Jake Yeap we broke up together for almost 6months for personal reason but what matter is he regret and apologize what he has done to me before. I do believe that when you love someone you never get tired of loving them. I posted some theads before in here regarding on my situation and I am truly grateful for the people in here who has given me support and encouragement during those darn days of my life.

    I decided to give him another chance and work this relationship again. I am doin my best for this application to succeed only God knows and especially only ECO might decide!haha

    . It takes guts to, as Oprah Winfrey said: "give yourself permission to release from your past—and step forward with the mud of resentment cleared from your wings...."

    Hopefully 2013 will be good us. Salamt po and Godbless everyone

  25. #25
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Iyah ...

    ... I wasn't able to help in this instance, but delighted to notice you've attained 'Respected Membership' status. That's very well done ... Congratulations!
    Mr. Arthur

    I am truly grateful for everything you have helped and I do understand my complicated situation is not in line with your expertise.

    I am happy that people in here are very helpful to lend me advice. I am still not losing hope.
    I just saw now that I attained an RM status. Salamat po Not sure how I get it hehe..

    Hopefully all will be well for me on my application.

  26. #26
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... it's a different bloke, Jake. I think.
    ... oops, *V ...

    Quote Originally Posted by iamiyah View Post
    Hello Mr. Jake Yeap we broke up together for almost 6months for personal reason but what matter is he regret and apologize what he has done to me before ...

    ... *I decided to give him another chance and work this relationship again.
    ............ ! I was wrong there,

  27. #27
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamiyah View Post

    Hopefully 2013 will be good us. Salamt po and Godbless everyone
    We all hope so Iyah

  28. #28
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Be careful
    Hope everything works out for you.

  29. #29
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. The CK said; you stated i receive N228,00 (£912) a month from your employment and you have provided your pay slips which show this amount. However your bank statement which shows monthly payments noted as "salary" does not show this amount. As you have not provided any explanation of this discrepancy, I am not satisfied the funds held in your account are true reflection of your financial circumstances in Nigeria. Therefore, on the balance of probabilities , I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor for a limited period not exceeding 6 months or that you intend to leave the UK at the end of the visit as required by paragraph 41 (i) and (ii) of HC395 of the Immigration Rules. Could you please explain me is there any possibility to be successful in appeal? Is there any opportunity to obtain visa on this grounds.

  30. #30
    Respected Member iamiyah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamiyah View Post
    Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. The CK said; you stated i receive N228,00 (£912) a month from your employment and you have provided your pay slips which show this amount. However your bank statement which shows monthly payments noted as "salary" does not show this amount. As you have not provided any explanation of this discrepancy, I am not satisfied the funds held in your account are true reflection of your financial circumstances in Nigeria. Therefore, on the balance of probabilities , I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor for a limited period not exceeding 6 months or that you intend to leave the UK at the end of the visit as required by paragraph 41 (i) and (ii) of HC395 of the Immigration Rules. Could you please explain me is there any possibility to be successful in appeal? Is there any opportunity to obtain visa on this grounds.

    Good day. From my extensive research about visit visa application and refused reason. I came across to these post; a reason of the applicant's visa being refused :(.

    This is related to my case where in there is discrepancy on the money I deposited since I received my salary on cash basis monthly. I sent partly of my two months salary back home to be deposited in my HSBC account in Philippines.

    Any advice that I can state in order to explain my situation?

    Salamat po and I do apologize again for the hassle this post may bring.

    I am just seeking an advice that might help me.

    Godbless po.

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Filipino Forum : Philippine Forum