Hello Iyah and thanks for your message. Reading through the thread I think you have had some very good advice from Terpe, Joe, Vernier et al and you should take this on board. As you have been advised you have to satisfy the ECO of your intention to return and I really feel that a letter from your employer outlining your entitlement to leave the fact that they are paying for your ticket and your expected date of return would do a lot to satisfy the ECO that you have good intentions. Time now for you to get everything together and submit your application and please God you will get a positive result.

My bf is working as a trader in a large bank in London. I assume he is qualified to sponsor me.

I dont want to lose hope but I am running out of time and the worst part is my bf is running out of patience as well which i understand

I must say that these 2 parts of your post did concern me a little bit. Your Boyfriend is working as a Trader in a large bank in London. This would indicate that he's in a rather well paid job Iyah and would it not be possible for him to visit you. There's no doubting your commitment to this relationship working but is he putting in any effort.
You seem to be putting a lot of effort into trying to come here and visit and yet you tell us that he is running out of patience. Be very careful Iyah because he should not be running out of patience with somebody who is trying as hard as you to visit him.
Is he paying for your ticket to London ?

I really hope that everything works out for you but please tread carefully.
I wish you well.